A lot of moms consider a career change once they have had their first child. After all, a child can bring about many changes in you, and it can unlock areas of your personality that you did not know existed before. Many moms consider going into teaching jobs because it’s especially about your kids, and so it seems a natural fit, but is it the right job for you? Below, we are going to take a look at what makes a good teacher so that you can determine whether or not this is the best career path to go down.

Enable students to look at issues from different perspectives
There are many different factors that make a great teacher. A great teacher is someone who knows how to engage with students and enables them to look at things from a number of different ways. Most teachers have a high level of emotional intelligence. As all children are different, you need to understand what style of communication and learning is going to be effective to bring out the best in each student.
Organizational and preparation skills
Aside from this, you should high organizational and preparation skills for this career. You need to arrive at work early to ensure that the classrooms are prepared and you are ready for the day ahead. You also need to ensure that lessons are structured and presented in a clear way. Your classroom should be organized so that distractions are minimized as much as possible.
Excellent communicator
Teachers are also good communicators. Not only do you need to be able to communicate with children effectively, but you are going to need to communicate with their parents as well. This includes one-on-one chats, written reports, and even through parent conferences and meetings. You should be a caring, enthusiastic, accessible, and warm person. You should also be dedicated to the school you end up teaching at and feel compelled to get involved in school-wide activities and committees.
Have a ‘caregiver’ personality
Finally, we would recommend taking the Enneagram Test to better understand your personality and whether or not you’re the right fit. The benefits of the Enneagram test are extensive. One of the things this test enables you to do is understand what type of personality you have. Type two is the ‘caregiver’ personality, and this personality makes great teachers. If you are unsure what career path to go down, this test can definitely clear up a few things and give you some direction.
So there you have it: some of the different traits and qualities that make a good teacher. Hopefully, this has helped you to get a better understanding as to whether a job in teaching is right for you. If you’re still not sure, don’t panic. Spend some more time researching and understanding what is entailed before you commit to this as your next career step.
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