Any hunter, ranger, fisherman, or general outdoorsman will be able to tell you that Merino Wool makes the best gear when you are out in the sticks. Not all of them will be able to tell you why in quite as much detail as we can, though. If you are shopping around for the best camo kit then look no further than this soft, warm, naturally waterproof material.
We wanted to pause a moment to appreciate this finery… and to work out just what it is that makes Merino Wool so special.

A Wool Fit for A King
Merino wool was first dreamed up on the plains of the Spanish wilderness. They were shortly thereafter spotted by the Spanish Royal Family, who commandeered the breed, presumably for their own clothing. It was renamed the Royal Merino and was renowned for the flowing finesse of the fibres. Merino wool is fine, provides a superior fleece, and was highly sought after throughout Europe.
Since everyone wanted some, farmers derived a second strain from the Royal breed, making the Merino Wool that you know and love today. But what is it that makes it special? Get a load of this…
The Never-Ending Qualities of Merino…
All wools are long lasting, with an added bonus of being a naturally water resistant material. Not all wool, however, has the fine, high-quality finish of the Merino fibres. These fibres are longer than most types of wool, meaning you don’t have the same level of wear and tear that normal wool has. It is stronger, more durable, and won’t hole without force. Best of all is the way it feels against your skin. Merino can be worn all day long with no adverse effects. It won’t chaff or rub, and it will last you for years to come.
So, at a glance, the things that make Merino wool so special are:
- It has a crimp to its length, making it wind together into a tougher fabric
- It is longer than most wool, allowing a more durable material
- It is naturally water resistant
- It is super-soft so you can wear it all day without rubbing
- It is the best quality of wool available for hunters clothing
If that doesn’t sway you into buying merino for your next set of camo gear, we don’t know what will!
Caring for Merino Wool
Before you rush off to buy your next set of outdoors kit, let us touch on care. Lots of people think that Merino wool is difficult to care for when the reality is quite the opposite. It is a case of doing less for more results. The more natural you keep the wash and dry process, the longer your Merino Wool outdoors gear will last.
Merino Wool makes the Best Hunting Clothing
It’s a statement of fact. If you are out in the bush and you need something warm and dry, tough, and long-lasting, and capable of meeting every challenge head on – better make it Merino wool. It’s the one fabric guaranteed to not let you down.
I love the feel of merino wool. It feels so comforting!
I’ve seen Merino specified on labels before but I never realized the difference – thanks for sharing! This is cool!
I learned something new today about Merino wool! So happy to know that it’s perfect for hunters in order to stay warm. Thank you for this article!
I never knew what the difference was, but you learn something new everyday!