According to the Pew Research Center, 72 percent of American adults are using social media daily. Social media is a great way to connect with friends, promote businesses, and sell your house! If you’re looking to sell, marketing your home on social media has some solutions for you.

Let’s take a look at these marketing tips!
Posting Social Media Content
If you’re going to utilize social media to sell your beautiful home than you are going to need to take quality pictures and videos. This is a great way to show your house off and get people interested!
Quality Photos
The key here is, “quality”, your home is going to look only as good as the picture quality. So make sure you take your time taking the pictures or consider hiring a local photographer to take staged photos.
Smart Phone Videos
Along with creating a beautiful album of your home, consider videos as well! Nothing is going to showcase your home more on social media than a video walkthrough. You can simply use your smartphone and record a tour of your home.
Use Facebook
You want to make sure you are using all the tools Facebook has to market your home. With 1.69 billion users, Facebook is going to give you the most amount of people to market towards!
Facebook Ads
Make sure you are using Facebook ads. These are simple to create and Facebook will walk you through the whole process. When setting up your ads, you can even market towards specific regions and age groups – This can help you generate a ton of interest in your home!
Facebook Events
You also want to utilize Facebook events – Create an open house event! Invite all of your friends and share it on your feed. You can also create an ad around this event and reach even more people and specific demographics.
Pinterest Locally
Another great way to advertise your home is through Pinterest. By utilizing local groups and ads you can get in touch with a bunch of people locally that may be interested in your home.
Local Boards
Create or join a local board that is dedicated to your community. Invite all of your friends and neighbors! You want as many people to follow the board as possible.
Once you’ve created a local community board or joined one, you can start adding in your pictures of your home. Have those pictures linking back to your listing and you’ll be sure to start having buyers finding your home! Just remember that the key here is utilizing “local”.
Pinterest Ads
Another tool you can use on Pinterest is their ads. Just like Facebook, you can create local ads that create a tunnel towards your home. Their advertising platform is super cheap and can help you prompt your beautiful home. Their demographic settings are not nearly as diverse as Facebook, but make sure to adjust them as much as possible for your ads.
Use Instagram
The social media platform Instagram is all about photos and videos – which is exactly what you need for showing off your home. If you want to advertise your home on social media, then using Instagram is a must!
Instagram Live Tour
Much like Facebook, you can create a live tour of your home on Instagram. If you have a following and know people will be on and watching than you should do an Instragam live tour! Walk them through your whole house and property – make sure to show off the best features in your home.
Using Hashtags
If you’ve ever used Instagram, then you know that hashtags are crucial to having your photos and videos seen. When listing either photos or videos of your home, make sure to use the best hashtag to bring in more viewers. Use hashtags that are locally used, your city and the surrounding cities, and anything related to homes and selling homes.
Bonus Tips
If you want to get your home in front of the most amount of people possible and sell it quickly, then utilizing all of these social media platforms is the best way. Here are a couple of other tips for advertising your home on social media.
- Share your listing and ads often – Don’t just list it and let it sit. Share it every day!
- Before you take any pictures or videos, make sure you have your home clean and organized. If you want to sell quickly here are some tips for selling your home.
- Update your personal status. Tell your friends that you’re selling your home across all your social media platforms.
- Create a simple and cheap website with Wix or WordPress – This can also bring in more traffic and act as your listing that you can share on social media handles.
Just remember that everything you post on social media is quality. Don’t just through any old photo or update your status to just “I’m selling my home” – Give the details!
Marketing Your Home
This may seem like a lot to remember and do, but it’s no different than the amount of work you would have to do selling your home in a traditional way. The difference is, you can communicate with buyers and sell your home online as fast as you want too! These are the best tips for marketing your home on social media. Follow these tips and you’ll sell your home in no time!
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