Sensitivity of the teeth is a common problem for people of all ages, especially those over 40, and this is generally caused by acids in the mouth that eat away at the tooth enamel, and this thinner layer allows the inner nerves to be slightly exposed, thus causing the pain.
Sensitive teeth can happen to anyone, at any time, but in general, it is older people who suffer with this painful condition and a visit to your local dentist is highly recommended, should you feel a twinge while eating an ice-cream or drinking a coffee.
It’s one of the signs that it is time to see a reliable dentist who can recommend treatment. Many people shrug it off until it becomes a regular occurrence, when they will schedule a dental appointment, yet it is wiser to see your dentist sooner rather than later.
Receding Gums – This is a common cause of tooth sensitivity, as this exposes the nerves and should you regularly experience sharp twinges of pain from the area around the roots of your teeth, this could be due to receding gums. You can have a good look at your teeth-gum line in a mirror, and if you notice a yellowish build-up, this is plaque, which would also compound the issue.
Extreme Temperatures – When consuming something very hot or cold, this is when you will experience pain or discomfort, with sharp twinges that seem to run up your jaw. If this occurs even once, schedule a visit to your local dentist and let him or her take a look; if treatment is needed, better now than later.
Age – Age plays a role, and as we get older, the enamel on your teeth is gradually eroded away, which will lead to sensitivity. There are certain toothpastes that are good for those with sensitive teeth and your dentist would be happy to recommend a brand; indeed, the clinic might stock special toothpastes.
Avoid Abrasive Toothpastes
Smokers, in particular, like to find a strongly abrasive toothpaste that removes stubborn nicotine stains, and while this might be the case, the abrasive nature of the paste (usually in powder form) will erode the tooth enamel. Brushing harder will not make your teeth any cleaner, so adopt a firm grip and gently pressure the teeth when brushing.
The importance of regular oral examinations cannot be overstated, as these sessions allow the dentist to check that all is well with your teeth and gums, and every 6 months is an ideal schedule; you could make it a family thing, and go shopping once the dental appointment is over, which would be a great motivator for the kids.
Sensitive teeth can happen to anyone, at any time, but in general, it is older people who suffer with this painful condition and a visit to your local dentist is highly recommended, should you feel a twinge while eating an ice-cream or drinking a coffee.
Sensitive teeth can really turn an enjoyable occasion into an ordeal, and if the pain persists, you should book an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can.
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