While personal wellness is an individual endeavor, it is more achievable when you are surrounded by people with similar goals. Exercise is mostly viewed as a personal endeavor since it requires one to make choices and goals individually. However, people have come to appreciate the importance of group fitness as it helps you achieve personal goals with help of others. While both have unique benefits, recent studies have shown that group exercise might be the better option. Let’s understand why one should consider group fitness rather than solo workouts. 

Receive Expert Guidance 

Group fitness classes are generally headed by a certified instructor, whose work is to ensure that participants maintain consistency throughout the session. They offer guidance to maximize the benefits of workouts and minimize the risks of injuries. When a member wants to know anything fitness related, these instructors are always available to assists. They are proactive and ready to offer instructions and assistance to anyone who requires help or modification. 

Competitive Drive

Competition is always a healthy factor to drive motivation. Whether it’s in business or on personal issues, competition has always played a key role in growth and success. Likewise, some people will feel encouraged to continue exercising when working as a team. Group fitness promotes physical health and build social connections. Over the recent years, group fitness has gained popularity because they bring tribe mentality motivating members and encouraging them to continue pushing and seeking high achievements. With healthy, you would always want to do better and attain high performance than your fellow. Being in the presence of people who are like minded can create a motivating environment that drives to perform well. 

More Motivation 

The truth is that everybody needs motivation when exercising. While people who understand your goals can support you, it is incomparable with group support. Attending fitness classes where you exercise in a group setting boosts that sense of togetherness and mutual support. Your mates can motivate you to push harder and remain consistent to your workout routines. For instance, if you skip a class, your fellow exercisers would want to know why you did so. On the contrary, nobody might even notice if you miss an exercise session on a solo workout. 


To be honest, it is possible for you to skip a day or two on solo workouts since you are not accountable to anyone. On the other hand, it is rare to miss a session if you exercise on a gym. Missing a session on solo workouts only affects you while skipping group fitness can affect all members. Group fitness holds you accountable when you skip a class. Some fitness classes even close doors at specific times, thus encouraging participants to be more responsible and timely. You become more committed by knowing others are counting on your presence. You wouldn’t want your fellow exercisers to look you with judging eyes because you led to unwanted social shunning. 

While solo workout has its benefits, group fitness could bring more advantages. It feels nice knowing you and your friends at the gym have a healthy competition. You will be motivated to work harder when like-minded people surrounds you. Working as a group makes each one to be responsible since they are accountable to the group. You also get professional assistance from the instructors to ensure you achieve your objectives.  

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