Parker & Alexander’s All of Us: Bible Songs for Everyone
Parker & Alexander’s All of Us: Bible Songs for Everyone is a delightful album filled with sweet, fun songs that will have you dancing, tapping your toes and singing along. It is great for listening to in the car, making dinner, during play dates or when it is time to clean up.
This album was created by Brendan Parker and Erick Alexander, from the rock due “Spaghetti Eddie”. Their goal was to create a family-friendly musical, and the music is definitely catchy and engaging, full of lessons from the Bible.
You might even find yourself humming the songs to yourself as you go through your day. There is never a bad time to listen to songs like these, filled with Truth of God’s love and stories of His care for us.
Highly recommended for kids and parents alike.
The tracks are as follows:
Celebration of Creation
~ Upbeat, full of great rhymes (some big vocabulary for little minds! Woo hoo!), favorite line “only from God could this be…”
In the Beginning
~ Who doesn’t love to sing about cuddly puppies and God’s love and care for us?
~ Just plain fun. You will find your toes tapping to this tune!
~ This one is great as an action song. Storytelling (with music) at its finest.
Ten Commandments
~ “We are all tied together by love…” Good lessons, good reminders here.
Humble Beginnings
~ Sweet retelling of the beginning of the life of Christ, a new perspective…with a reminder that Jesus’ life never truly ended.
Good Samaritan
~ A neighbor without comparison…. Be the one who really cares. Love your neighbor as yourself. Always a good reminder.
All of Us
~ Ever had a coulda-woulda-shoulda kind of day? We’ve all had them. A gentle reminder and word of encouragement.
The Lord’s Prayer
~ An upbeat, jaunty version of the Lord’s Prayer. Sure to become a favorite way to memorize it!
Three Dark Days
~ This might be my favorite song on this album. Good stuff. Pouring in Truth is never a bad idea.
Kimberlee is a certified music therapist, SAHM, homeschooler and chef for three kids with celiac disease. She loves to read, teach guitar and hike in the mountains. Her goal is to post things that either make you smile, hum or think. Kimberlee writes about music therapy, homeschooling, and her challenges with her family’s dietary restrictions.
Wow! This is really nice and something that I would like my kids to listen to. Thank you for sharing this and we’d love to grab a copy.
Oh this sounds great! I definitely want to check it out