Maybe it’s your sister? Perhaps it’s your best friend?
Whoever it is, she’s getting married, and she’s chosen you as one of her bridesmaids.
Now, you’re likely wondering, what exactly does a bridesmaid need to bring to a wedding?
Traditionally-speaking, bridesmaids have several responsibilities. As such, they need to bring quite a few items.
Curious as to what they are? Read on for a complete wedding day bridesmaid checklist.

Clothing is a necessity regardless of what you’re doing—but when you’re the bridesmaid at a wedding, there are several specific clothing items you must have with you.
First, you need your bridesmaid’s dress.
In addition to your dress, you also need a button-down shirt, an appropriate bra, proper underwear, proper footwear (heels for the ceremony and flats for dancing), and a variety of accessories (earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.).
For good measure, you should also pack some backup clothing. You never know what you might need as the night progresses.
Wedding-Related Items
Of course, there are several wedding-related items you’ll need as well.
Your specific needs depend upon your duties at the wedding. However, some of these needs are shared by all bridesmaids.
First, remember to bring a gift for the bride and the groom.
Second, if necessary, remember to bring bridesmaid bouquets.
Some other items you might need include speeches, decorations, and wedding bands.
It’s customary at weddings for bridesmaids to get all dolled up.
As such, you’ll need to have a number of toiletries with you.
The baseline toiletries include tissues (crying is a possibility!), makeup, brushes, combs, bobby pins, nail polish, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and deodorant. Some other items you should consider bringing include safety pins, band-aids, stain remover, and eye drops.
Of course, there are person-specific toiletries that you might need as well.
These include everything from contacts to contact solution to tampons, pads, and the like. Whatever is needed for your morning routine, you’ll need at the wedding as well.
Today’s world runs on electricity.
As such, there are a number of electronics you’ll need to bring to the wedding.
The most basic of these items include phones, tablets, computers, cameras, and their corresponding chargers.
You might also consider bringing a watch, GPS navigation system (you don’t want to get lost on the wedding day!), and a Bluetooth speaker (for the rehearsal or some other occasion).
You’re going to a wedding, so most of the food you need will be ready and waiting for you.
But what if you get hungry in the meantime? You’d better have something to snack on.
As such, it’s wise to bring granola bars, nuts, chips, or something else of the sort—just something to nibble on to tide you over on the day of.
Make sure you bring some bottles of water as well, specifically if the wedding is taking place outside and there won’t be any water fountains present.
There is almost undoubtedly going to be alcohol available at the reception.
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring a little alcohol of your own. After all, you might want to have a drink or two prior to the festivities.
Maybe you’d like to share some champagne with your fellow bridesmaids and groomsmen after the ceremony has ended? Or perhaps you’d like to have some mimosas with your fellow bridesmaids as you’re getting ready?
Remember to bring straws, too. You don’t want to ruin your lipstick on the day of such a momentous occasion.
Emergency Items
While exciting, wedding days are filled with stress and anxiety.
Something almost always goes wrong in one way or another. As such, it’s a good idea to have some emergency items on hand.
Some emergency items you should consider bringing include a power strip (so that you can charge several phones or power several hairdryers), scissors, pain relief medications (such as Tylenol or Advil), and an umbrella.
The key is to think about what could go wrong, and then bring the items needed to combat those problems. In the end, you need to be prepared at all costs.
The Right Mindset
A wedding is a big event, not only for the bride and the groom, but for all those involved in it as well.
As such, on the day of a wedding, you have to have the right mindset.
First, know that you come second to the bride. Don’t do anything to overshadow her or make her feel less-than. She might be stressed out—do everything in your power to avoid confrontation.
Second, be flexible. It’s rare that everything goes off without a hitch. Be ready for change and be ready in any way possible.
Lastly, try to loosen up.
While weddings can be stressful, they can also be a lot of fun. Open yourself up to dancing, conversing, and having a good time. Not only will it allow you to have the best experience possible, but it will also pass good vibes along to the bride.
Time to Put This Bridesmaid Checklist to Good Use
You may already have the majority of the items on this bridesmaid checklist—but if you don’t, you would be wise to start accumulating them sooner than later.
After all, waiting until the week of the wedding is a surefire way to create unneeded worry and stress.
Looking for other wedding-centric tips to prepare for the big day? Browse our site for more related articles now!
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