Fishing is a very popular, social and enjoyable activity for the young and old to enjoy. Because it’s such a loved hobby, many people have gotten very serious in their investments in terms of equipment, knowledge and increasing their skill to catch bigger and better fish.

If you are one of the ones who enjoy fishing as a passion and a hobby, this article will be great as it explains the differences between game fish and non-game fish. Knowing this will give you the tools and know-how so when you get to the lakes, you can fish with confidence.

Knowing the Difference Between Game Fish & Non-Game Fish

Game Fish 

Game fish are what those who fish for recreation will catch and they tend to use it to pursue sport species. These are delicious and normally are much bigger in size than non-game fish. 

You will find that once you get into the nitty-gritty of the fishing world, these species are sought commercially and are perceived highly in taste and table quality.

Due to the nature of how hard it is to catch them as they are resistant creatures, they are often caught as game and used competitively. Here are some game fishes to look out for when you are on your next trip:

  • Largemouth Bass – typically found in North America and popular in freshwater spaces but can also be found in other locations in the world. They are roughly 25 pounds and 29.5 inches in size.  
  • The Crappie – typically spotted and native in North America, these are a tasty kind of freshwater fish and are very popular in the cooking world. You will also find several of this fish littered over lakes in the U.S. 
  • Freshwater Trout – spotted in lakes of Alaska, U.S and Canada, you can find these in clear and oxygenated waters. They are normally pretty heavy, so catching them requires the right patience, skill and equipment to catch.

Non-Game Fish

Now we have looked at game fish, it’s also good to know the other side of the spectrum. Non-game fish are not as tasty and appetising as game fish as they typically are more scaley and boney so not great for the palate. Even though they lack commercial value and are smaller than sport fish, they are often used as bait in order to catch the bigger fishes. 

Here are some examples of different non-game fishes:

> Freshwater Eel

> Lake Caught Carp

> Skipjack Fish

Now you have a bit more insight into the different types of fish that can be caught, no matter what season you will have the insight and confidence you need to hit the water.