If you’ve not achieved what you set out to achieve this year, there’s no better time to start planning how you’re going to approach the coming one! Of course, there is time if you still want to get things done! 

Below, these 9 tricks will help you to get things done now and then on into next year. You can start incorporating them into your routine now, and by the time the new year rolls around, you’ll be all set to achieve everything you want to. 

1. Set Out A Schedule You Can Stick To

Start by setting out a schedule for each day that you can stick to. Routine is key if you want to get into the habit of getting things done. When will you start work? Where will you check emails? Make sure you have all of this in your head and stick to it. The second you stray from your schedule is the second you risk procrastinating and feeling like you haven’t got anything done. 

2. Plan Your Breaks

Planning your breaks is a crucial trick. Breaks are one of the most important things you can do for your productivity. By planning them, you have something to look forward to. Usually, it’s better to have a larger frequency of smaller breaks, rather than one or two longer breaks. This way you should find it easier to stay focused and avoid procrastination! 

3. Time Yourself 

Timing yourself on certain tasks can help to keep you working until you’re finished, rather than stopping and procrastinating every so often. Let’s say you have an important article to write: you could set the timer for 35 minutes, aiming to get it complete in that time. You can’t move away from it or start doing anything else. Once it’s over, you can enjoy a 5-10 minute break. Then simply repeat in the same vein until you’ve done most of the things you need to do that day! 

Laptop Computer

4. Use Software And Apps To Make Your Life Easier 

There are all kinds of apps and pieces of software out there these days that can make your life so much easier. If a system can do it for you, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it. You could streamline your digital asset management by outsourcing to a company or finding a piece of software to do it for you, for example. It’ll save you so much time and mental energy in the long run. 

5. Eat Right

The food you eat can energise you or make you sluggish. If you’re eating heavy foods that aren’t very good for you, you should find that you struggle mentally and you might even feel tired half way through the day. Feeling tired can be natural – studies even show that a quick nap could help you to get back on top. However, eating right will keep you focused for longer. 

6. Exercise Before You Start Your Work

Even if you do a quick circuit before you start work, it should help you to get your blood pumping and brain fired up to handle whatever the day throws at it. It doesn’t really matter what type of exercise it is, as long as it energises you and makes you feel good. Many people find that once they get into this habit, their days at work become far more productive. It’s all well and good to say you’ll do it after work, but more often than not, you’ll make excuses because of how tiring the day has been. In general, morning exercise is so much more beneficial. 

7. Vow To Stop MultiTasking

Multitasking actually takes longer than if you were to focus on one task at a time. If you focus on one task at a time, you should notice that you get it done faster. Plus, you’ll be able to lose yourself in the task at hand. 

8. Start In A Way That Builds Momentum 

Starting your day in a way that builds momentum can make all the difference – this is why we suggest exercise! At work, however, you have a choice. Do you complete the tasks that take barely any time at all first so you’re on a bit of a roll, or do you do the hardest tasks so the rest of the day is easy in comparison? Whatever works for you! 

9. Know How To Write Effective To Do Lists

An effective to do list should not contain 20 things for one day. Yours should contain 3-5 things, and they should be absolutely essential for that day. Anything else you get done is a bonus.