All relationships do not go on forever. Sometimes, we ignore the most prominent and toxic things in a relationship. Below is a list of elements that you need to have a look.

Fighting Over Small Things such as Chores
Couples in the healthiest of relationships have differences and disagreements. The issue gets accelerated when the problem is gendered. For instance, some men expect women to do most of the household work as if it is life’s sole purpose. Also, if at some times, he gives less importance to your career than his; it is time to think twice. You have to be mindful of little signs and have a minute eye for observation.
It is normal to get angry sometimes with your partner and end up calling them stupid names and teasing them. But when it comes to calling names in front of other people, it elucidates the impression that the person does not respect you enough. Self-worth is essential, and if the opposite person does not value you and your presence, it is best to walk away. This is a significant problem, and it will be better if you address it as soon as possible.
No Time for You
A successful relationship will need a lot of sacrifices, and you need both of the partners to take equal responsibility. If you have a lot of restrictions and limitations in your relationship, then you need to give it a thought. People who say they can meet you only on weekends or holidays are not prioritizing you. Such people are not at the point of the flexibility and open nature that is needed for a relationship to go long. Some people are not meant for you, and you have to understand this fact. Do not lose hope and find the perfect match for dating here.
Staying in Touch with their Ex
People can remain good friends and not hamper the other person’s relationship, but most of the times, this is not the case. You and your partner should feel its fine to stay in touch with their previous partners. If not, then you need to respect their decision and minimize the contact with your ex. If he or she continues communication, then it’s a sign they are not giving any regards to your boundaries.
Being social by being online most of the time, using all social apps, engaging in chats, and making friends is not bad. But if this is done at your cost, then you need to speak up. If they have the time to do all the things, but can’t leave a text or drop a call, then this relationship is going to rot soon. You should not be competing for attention; you deserve time and importance.
Sometimes, you look back on a relationship and realize you wasted a lot of time on the opposite person. The issues mentioned in this article spell trouble and you can note them at the start if you keep a keen eye and a presence of mind.
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