Childbirth can be a miraculous thing, but one thing all new mothers will tell you is that the ‘side-effects’ of pregnancy and birth leave a lot to be desired. One such side-effect is postpartum hair loss. From thick, voluminous locks during pregnancy, to the sudden loss and thinning of hair you were once proud of, it’s an emotional roller coaster that needs a pretty good solution to solve. Thankfully, we’ve got a few different techniques you can consider.

So, while opting for a hair transplant in Turkey for that much-deserved holiday with a twist could help you relax after the stress of childbirth, there are a few other options you could try first. We’ve got them here for you.

Pregnancy Health

What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?

When pregnant, a woman’s oestrogen levels rise considerably and thanks to this, our hair stays in the ‘growth’ stage for much longer. It’s this that gives us the thicker, fuller hair throughout the nine months of carrying a child. However, once the baby has been born, these levels drop and our hair goes back to its normal cycle, often resulting in a sudden loss of the hair that was ‘resting’ after growth. It can be alarming, particularly when we end up with drastically thinner hair, but in most cases, this is only temporary and your hair will begin to grow back.

However, finding ways to soothe your stress about hair loss can be hugely beneficial, especially alongside the stress of raising a newborn baby. Here are just a few ways you can deal with the hair loss and promote healthier and potentially even faster re-growth:

Scalp Stimulation

Our scalps go through a lot and without the proper level of blood flow, proper growth can’t be maintained – at least not to optimal levels. Thankfully, stimulating your scalp is a simple process. In most cases, it’s as simple as giving yourself a bit of a head massage, usually with the oil of your choice. Oils that are particularly good for your scalp include rosemary and peppermint, which can be added to a ‘carrier’ oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil and avocado oil.

When you come to massage your scalp, you should do so for about five minutes. Switch up between kneading and tapping, with some lighter and more firm movements to truly work your way around the scalp.

Change Up Your Diet

Vitamins and nutrients can play a huge part in the health of our hair and while eating right when you’re looking after a baby doesn’t always seem possible, simply adjusting the food you eat so you’re getting more proteins, iron and Vitamin’s A, B12 and D can be all it takes to kickstart your hair’s health once more. For each of these, you can eat more:

  • Protein – Eggs, Poultry, lean meats, lentils, quinoa, nuts, chickpeas
  • Iron – Red meats, almonds, spinach, beetroot, walnuts
  • Vitamin A – Beef, eggs, shrimp, fish, sweet potato, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, mangoes
  • Vitamin B12 – Meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, cereals
  • Vitamin D – Milk, Cereals, fatty fish

Change Your Hairstyle

If none of the above is working, changing up your hairstyle can make it appear much fuller if done properly. Blunt hairstyles in particular take away the wispy look, while grown out fringes can hide the ‘baby fringe’ we see all too often. Speak to your stylist to determine which style will suit you and work for you most effectively.

If the style still hasn’t satisfied you, utilising a variety of accessories can be a great way to hide any thinning patches. You could opt for scarves and headbands – they’re also great ways to avoid having to actually do your hair of a morning!

Hair loss can be hard to deal with, but thankfully, the postpartum loss is usually temporary. Whether you opt for oils, diet change, or you simply try out tape-in hair extensions, there are plenty of ways to deal with this while you wait.