Everyone has difficulties when it comes to prepping for the exams. It might be a part of the material, which it’s not quite understandable, or a complex math problem you need extra help with. Some of us choose online tutoring, and others go in a more traditional direction, it doesn’t matter, if you’re here reading this article, we might be able to help. We are going to share with you our most prudent tips to ace your exams in no time. You can cherry pick the ones you like, and leave us a comment below!

1. Study when you’re sleepy
This one doesn’t make sense right away, we know, mostly because it goes against everything you have been doing so far. However, science doesn’t quite agree with the traditional concept. Let us break this down for you in the simplest terms. If you read your studying material before you go to bed, the possibility for your brain to accumulate the new information and store them for later use is greater. That means that you can read the problematic parts before you fall asleep, and give your brain a better chance to process and remember the information.
2. Get a bit frustrated
Let’s be honest, everyone loves TED talks, right? So you might want to take a look at this one before we continue. It’s a video of Tim Harford named “How frustration can make us more creative?”, and it’s one of those life lessons you can utilise when it comes to studying something new. The main premises of the talk is that specific difficulty, like changing your environment, even changing the font on the computer (to a one that annoys you greatly) can help you enhance your performance. By making yourself uncomfortable and a bit frustrated, you might learn better, and faster.
3. Small rewards can go a long way
This is by far, our favourite tip! For some of us is watching a TV series, for others is a piece of candy or even a cup of freshly brewed coffee, the point is that it works. The promise of a reward can motivate you to study, and also make you more efficient when it comes to organising your schedule. Each time you finish a section of the book, give yourself something that relaxes you. Induce some endorphins in your body, and make learning a pleasant experience.
4. Read aloud like you’re practising your Oscar speech
Reading aloud will force you to read slower, and listing to the material will actually help you remember the information. We look at this like the upscale version of flashcards. Reading like you’re practising a play can make the experience more pleasurable for you, and if you’re having fun while you’re studying the chances of remembering the vital information go up. It’s slow, but it’s time efficient. This way you can focus better on what the book is trying to teach you instead of mindlessly staring at the words.
5. Find a study buddy
Alternatively, a study group if you can function with more people, although, it’s not advisable to have more than four people in a study group because all of you will require attention. This is one of the oldest and most efficient methods to learn. Having someone to consult with and exchange remarks and questions can be a lifesaver during the exams. Verbally communicating the material to someone else will also help you remember information, and recall it when it’s needed. Another option is going for courses and reviews like a uniform bar exam review to be better prepared for your exams.
6. Write the important stuff down and then rewrite them again
It’s common knowledge that we tend to remember the information we write down, which is why students create flashcards in the first place. If you write down the critical information and then rewrite it again, your brain will realise that this is important enough to memorise. Science is behind this method too, as it was stated in a study published by Anne Mangen and Jean-Luc Velay. In the study was found that we store information more securely when we write it out by hand.
7. Mental associations are the key ingredient to your success
It was proven so many times by now, by countless students that mental associations work if you need to remember important information. Relate the things you learn to what you already know. If you don’t have any previous knowledge on the subject, make something up or google something you found exciting and tied it to the new information. Mental associations are a powerful trick if you learn how to use them properly. Even Sherlock Holmes went to his Memory Palace when he wanted to memorise a crucial piece of information.
We hope we have you some good ideas!
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