Nausea and morning sickness are common symptoms during early pregnancy. The symptoms usually withdraw by the end of the first trimester, but for some women, they can persist up to the birth. Likewise, the intensity can vary too, from mild to very strong. Everyday activities are affected to a certain extent depending on the severity of the symptoms, but luckily there are things that can help to lessen morning sickness symptoms.

The reason for morning sickness is not completely clear, but it has been associated with pregnancy hormones. Even though up to 80% of women experience nausea it affects each one of them in a unique way. Furthermore, not only do the symptoms vary from woman to woman, they can vary for the same woman for different pregnancies. The good news is that morning sickness doesn’t have any negative effect on the foetus, unless they are severe and continuous in which case a visit to the doctor is necessary.
Control Your Nutrition
When you are pregnant and feeling nauseated, you might think that not eating will help, but that is not a good idea. You are now eating for two, therefore, it matters when, how much and what you eat. Pregnant women have not only found it helpful to be careful about the type of food they eat, but also that it helps to eat smaller meals instead of three large ones, eating when you feel like eating rather than waiting for meal time, having a range of foods at hand (salty, sweet, crunchy) as taste changes quickly, and starting the day with a large glass of water.
During pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones that affect your body’s sensitivity to insulin and this can contribute to fluctuating blood sugar levels causing you to feel sick. You might find that eating bland carbohydrates (like crackers) and avoiding heavier foods (like proteins) helps you feel better. However, you need a healthy intake of proteins too in order to keep the blood sugar stable and help baby’s development as proteins are nutritional building blocks. Thankfully, there are many sources of proteins you can choose from, such as crackers and cheese, scrambled egg with toast and protein smoothies, to name a few.
Stay Hydrated
Pregnant women are sensitive to dehydration and loss of electrolytes and these are common consequences of heavy vomiting. Drinking plenty of water, 6-8 glasses throughout the day can be of great help in reducing dehydration as a result of nausea too. Additionally, try to limit your intake of water during meals and focus on drinking between meals if you’re finding it hard to keep fluids down.
Electrolytes help avoid problems due to the lack of water, such as constipation and fatigue. You may want to talk to your pharmacist about drinking an oral rehydration solution to compensate for the lost electrolytes if you are suffering from severe vomiting.
Keep A Diary
Some pregnant women keep a diary that helps them spot a pattern so they can prevent the next bout of nausea. This can help you find out what foods to avoid and what reduces the morning sickness, when you feel most tired, how much water you need, etc. You may be surprised to learn that some unusual things help you. Some pregnant women have found that nausea is reduced when they smell lemons, suck on ice cubes, drink ginger tea, wear an acupressure wristband or have acupuncture. If you write down your symptoms and what gives you relief from them, you can create a list of remedies you can turn to when you feel sick.
Remember Everyone Is Unique
Remember, every pregnancy is different and so are the symptoms of morning sickness. Therefore, you should try to find things that help you effectively reduce them. In most cases, medical treatment is not needed and some home remedies can make a big difference and for some lucky mums-to-be, alleviate nausea altogether. The severity of your symptoms is important and if you are worried talk to your doctor or a midwife about using drugs that are safe for your baby and helpful to you.
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