This summer we decided to check out a bunch of nice waterfalls in Vermont.  We had heard that Falls of Lana was impressive, so headed out to Salisbury, Vermont to check it out (mid-August 2018).  Falls of Lana is not far from Branbury State Park, and is about 40 minutes north of Rutland.

Falls of Lana

We had no problems finding the parking area using Google Maps.

There is a large parking lot, and even so, we had to park along the edge of the lot as it was full.

Falls of Lana parking lot

There are various trails here in the Moosalamoo Natural Recreation Area.  The trailhead had useful information about the area.

Falls of Lana, Salisbury Vermont

Not far along the trail is a giant pipeline.  Built in 1922, the penstock feeds water from Silver Lake down to a local hydroelectric power station.

Falls of Lana Salisbury Vermont
Falls of Lana

Right after the penstock, we took a left to check out the first of the Falls of Lana.

Falls of Lana Trail

We reached the bottom of the trail where it meets the falls.  You have to scale the rocks a little bit, but we did it carefully with our two kids (ages 8 and 11). You can see them swimming in the water!

Falls of Lana, Salisbury Vermont

In the middle of August, water levels were low, but there was still enough water to swim in.

Falls of Lana Swimming

My daughter found some leeches there, too!

Falls of Lana Leech

Heading back up to the trail, there was this cool old tree that had grown around a boulder.

Falls of Lana Vermont

After checking out this waterfall, we headed back to the trail to walk up further along the stream.

Falls of Lana

There are lots of places to swim and wade as you go upstream, and we saw people swimming in a variety of places.

Falls of Lana Salisbury Vermont
Falls of Lana Salisbury Vermont

Once we reached this bridge, we stopped to take a break, wade in the stream, and then return back to the car.

Falls of Lana salisbury vermont

We had a great time at Falls of Lana.  What a beautiful place to explore, and we would love to go back to explore more.

I recommend “Waterfalls of New England”, which was a great resource this summer.

Also be sure to check out our other Vermont destinations and Vermont hikes.

Love hiking? Our blog covers everything from Vermont hikes to the Annapurna base camp trek guide.