I have always used music at bedtime with my children, since they were babies.  But finding good music wasn’t always as easy as I thought it would be.  For years we tried lots of different albums, trying to find lullaby music that wasn’t annoying and didn’t contain vocals (which seemed to be distracting).  I also have a background in classical music, and have always wanted to expose my kids to classical music from a young age.

The Well Tempered Baby

I was excited to discover a selection of classical pieces for children from the Well Tempered Baby.  “Classic Lullabies for Sound Sleep” is a collection of pieces by J.S. Bach that are arranged just for newborns, babies, kids – and even their parents.  These classical lullabies are played on the harp, and are designed to have minimal volume changes so that you little ones won’t be disturbed.

I love that this album is created be a new mom herself!  Musician Maria Johnson created this CD because she also had trouble finding music for her newborn, and wanted something she could enjoy alongside her baby.

Even now that my kids are older, they still want to listen to relaxing music at night when it is time for them to go to bed.  “Classic Lullabies for Sound Sleep” is available on both CD and as a digital album, which makes it easy to travel with.  Over the years, we have traveled with lullaby music so the kids can sleep in the car or in hotels, etc.

“Classical Lullabies for Sound Sleep” has a runtime of over 40 minutes, and is perfect for bedtime.