When you first hear the words “therapy” or “counseling,” the first thing that comes to mind is usually someone sitting in a chair or couch having a face-to-face conversation with a professional who will ask questions and provide feedback. While this is an effective method, group therapy is another valid option.
We have all been a part of a group dynamic at some point in our lives, whether it was a family, a class in school, or at work. Since we are so used to being a part of something bigger, this type of psychotherapy relates more closely with our real-life experiences and helps to provide a more realistic environment to help the members work through their issues.

Here are 7 reasons why you should consider group therapy:
1. You Will Give and Receive Support
A major misconception that surrounds group therapy is that people believe that each member will take a turn receiving individual help and therapy by the therapist themselves while the rest of the group simply observes. However, this is not the case. Turning to each other for emotional support is actually encouraged because it can create a positive environment for connection and helpful feedback.
2. It Will Help You Find Your Voice
Finding your voice involves a growing awareness of your own individual needs and feelings and actually expressing them. Through these meetings, participants are always encouraged to think about how they are feeling and to express their emotions. When connecting with others, self-connection can be more difficult because you don’t think about it quite as much when focusing on the interaction.
3. It Will Show You That You Are Not Alone
Upon entering therapy, many people feel that they are completely alone in their situation and that no one else has ever been in their shoes. While every person is unique and certainly does have their own set of circumstances to deal with, nobody needs to face their struggles alone. Oftentimes, a person’s deepest, darkest fears that they don’t think anyone else faces are actually strikingly similar to what another person could be dealing with at that same moment.
By bringing these fears to light, group members are able to make connections and grow stronger together. This is particularly effective with drug problems, as only others who have also used will truly understand the extent of how it affects their own lives. A rehab center for heroin addiction can provide the outlet needed to help you recover.
4. You Can Tell Your Story Without Fear of Judgment
Validating your experience by telling your story and sharing your challenging times with others is incredibly empowering. This gives you the opportunity to improve your experience as a member of the session by creating an effective narrative that will help you connect with others.
While friends and family often mean well, they may still scold you for your actions or feelings. Group therapy is a judgment-free zone, allowing you to speak freely without fear.
5. You Will Find More Motivation to Change
When seeking help, it is usually because the individual is ready to make a change for the better but are unsure of how exactly to go about it.
A bigger setting with multiple people is helpful because you hear about how others have struggled and how they’re dealing with their problems and overcoming obstacles. This environment of encouragement and support might be just the push you need to keep working towards your goals.
6. It is Less Expensive than Individual Psychotherapy
Whether you are using insurance or not, the simple fact that the therapist is treating multiple people at once means that the cost is significantly lower than it would be with an individual appointment.
7. You Will Learn More About Yourself
By talking through your experiences and hearing about the struggles of others, many people are surprised at the number of blind spots that are uncovered. This helps to remove the invisible blocks that are holding you back from overcoming your challenges.
Sometimes, the best way to learn is by teaching someone else. By listening to and providing support for others, you may just learn how to better support yourself.
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