No matter how hard you try to keep it clean, your carpet can fall victim to stains, spills, and other accidents. And while a vacuum cleaner will keep your house looking and feeling fresh, according to reviews of TheHouseWire, you can get things clean with the right hacks for cleaning your carpets. While carpets are too large to send out for cleaning, you probably want to leave tough clothing stains to the dry cleaning experts.

Shaving cream, irons, and dishwasher detergent are all great tools for cleaning stains and spills off carpeting. Not sure how all these tools work together? Check out our expert tips for cleaning carpeting.
1- Club Soda Keeps Carpets Clean
If you have a fresh stain, try club soda. Take a cloth with club soda on it, and blot the stain. Remember to blot the stain, don’t rub the stain. Rubbing will cause the stain to spread, and then you’ll have even bigger problems on your hand. Once you blot the stain out, put a clean paper towel over the area to soak up any remaining moisture overnight.
2- White Vinegar is a Great Stain Fighter
Mix one part white vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution over a stain. Consider blotting with a dry cloth or paper towel to enhance the stain removal. Remember to brush the carpet fibers back in their natural direction after cleaning.
3- Get Some Shaving Cream
Any brand of shaving cream can work wonders for stain removal. Try applying shaving cream directly to the stain. Allow the shaving cream to set for half an hour, and then bolt it away with a dry clean cloth.
4- Put Your Dishwasher Detergent to Use
Dishwasher detergent specially developed for greasy dishes can work wonders on carpet grease stains. Take a cup of water and add a couple drops of your favorite grease-busting detergent. Then, spray the solution onto the carpet and blot dry. For larger stains or more deeply set stains, you may need to repeat the process a few times.
5- Use an Iron for Dried Wax
If you have set-in wax stains in your carpeting, consider using an iron to help get these stains out. Take a white cloth and place it on your carpeting over the wax. Then, put the iron over it and apply heat to the cloth for no more than 30 seconds at a time. The wax will begin to melt again, and it can be removed more easily once it starts melting again.
Consider going over the area a second, third, or even fourth time with a paper towel and iron in the same method as above. The melting wax will bind to the paper towel rather than your carpeting, making the wax easy to clean up.
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