When bad things happen to you in life, they can contribute to psychiatric problems. They can also worsen them. Research confirms that there is a strong connection to traumatic events and psychiatric symptoms. There are medications that can help but if you want to manage your trauma in additional ways the following suggestions can help.

A Guide to Dealing with Trauma

Being traumatized often results in feelings of losing control in life. You might feel like you are helpless. Take back control of your life by changing what you can to feel more empowered. There will always be certain aspects that you cannot control but the things that you can are up to you to change. You might be told by family member, friends, and even health care professionals what you should and should not do. Take time to think about what is right for you. You make the decisions about your life.

Talk to people about what has happened to you. A therapist is one such person who can help you describe what happened to you over and over until you start to feel as though you are healing according to clarityclinic.com. You may have a friend or family member that will listen and understand too. You want to avoid anyone who tells you to get over it or just forgive and forget. Your feelings are your feelings and there is no right or wrong way to heal. You may also want to keep a journal.

After trauma, you may feel isolated. Try to reach out and develop relationships with others. Invite friends to go out and do something fun. You might find this helps you get your mind off of things. You may even want to do it again. Keep doing it and you will develop a closeness with another person. Your friendships will be some of the most important parts of your healing process. As you heal, you will find that you can be of help to these friends and that can foster good feelings.

You may find that you can meet more people when you attend support groups. These are excellent places to work on your healing and help someone else with their healing process. There is a lot of good that comes when two people or more share in disclosing their personal problems, feelings and grievances.

Another way to be helpful is to volunteer. This is another way to have an active role in helping others. If you can, work with a counselor and join a group that is dedicated to helping those who have been traumatized.

Finally, develop a Wellness Recovery Action Plan. This plan details what you need to do to stay healthy and helps you respond to your symptoms as they come up.