I received this product in exchange for my honest review as a Chewy.com influencer.
We like trying out new products with our pets, and I got the Oxbow Small Animal Hideout from Chewy.com for my daughter’s guinea pig. Guinea pigs like to have places to hide and rest.
The Oxbow Timothy Club Tunnel Small Animal Hideout is made of timothy hay, and you don’t have to worry about your piggy getting into anything else (like strings or wires) that could be dangerous. The hideout is all-natural, and entirely edible, so it is a great product for your guinea pig to chew on.
My daughter set up a play area for her guinea pig to get some exercise, and the hideout is a nice addition so that Nutmeg has a place to hide.

Nutmeg enjoys running around and having a place that offers her a place to hide and explore.
We recently also tried the Oxbow Small Animal mat (see my review here), and it is nice to have both in the guinea pig playpen.
You can find the Oxbow Small Animal Hideout (as well as the Oxbow Small Animal Mat) at Chewy.com, along with lots of other great products for many kinds of pets.
My niece has had hamsters and guinea pigs and I know they love environments like these. I’ll keep this in mind for a little gift to include for her furry family member. Thanks for the idea.
This is so cute! I love small little pets like this! Nutmeg really seems to be enjoying this little hideout!
What a cute little guinea pig! My daughter’s class pet is a guinea pig and she LOVES him. This hideout is adorable.
We had a guinea pig growing up but never had any accessories or anything for it. It was given to us by a friend but to be honest, the squeaking noises they make drive me nuts, haha!
Awwwww that guinea pig is so cute. I need to buy our daughter one guinea pig one day to see how she like it.
Awwiee the hideout is so cute and perfect for small animals. Looks just too good.
This is so cute! It looks so comfy and perfect for nutmeg. I love the name of your pet!
That’s cute. We used to have hamsters. We got her she apparently was pregnant and had 14 babies. We were instantly overwhelmed and gave them all away. Then we had to move so we gave her away too. But I do think at one point we’ll have a hamster or a guinea pig again.
What a cute hideout! This reminds me of our guinea pigs back home. We used to have three, but they didn’t have such a cute hideout like that. 🙂