When it comes to traveling with a young child, it will certainly not hurt to ask for advice. However, most people choose less crowded areas to visit when traveling with kids so you might not get the right advice if your next family vacation will be a visit to New York City.

NYC with a Toddler

Because of this gap, weā€™ve compiled some tips that will come in handy when traveling to the Big Apple with a child:

Visit During the Off-Season

Itā€™s common knowledge that the season for any tourist destination are the warmer months. Thatā€™s when most people take days off work and the top tourist destinations are overcrowded with tourists. This isnā€™t ideal for anyone, let alone someone with a child. Therefore, make sure you book your vacation during the off-season when the streets are less hectic and youā€™ll be able to fully appreciate the sights you want to see. Donā€™t worry, there will be plenty to see and do, starting with the quintessential winter New York City activity – Ice Skating at Rockefeller Center. Your little one will definitely be overjoyed.

Carry a Solid Lightweight Stroller

Choosing the right stroller for your child will allow you to navigate the streets easily. If you are going to use public transport, avoid the subways when pushing a stroller because they are not the most stroller-friendly. The heavy flow of human traffic in subways might make it hard for you to navigate with a stroller.

A lightweight stroller will help you move quickly, making your trip more enjoyable. Also, New Yorkers are child friendly so you will have somebody to help you if you run into problems with your stroller or need help down a flight of stairs.

Jump into the New Time Zone

If you are coming from a different time zone, it might help to jump straight into the new time zone. This means that if you are from Paris where it is nighttime and you arrive in NYC during the day, do not go to sleep. On the other hand, if you have already slept and arrive to New York during the night, try to sleep again. This way, you wonā€™t lose a day adjusting to the new time zone. Instead, you could visit the Children’s Museum of Manhattan for instance.

Time changes affect the little ones more than adults. Helping them to cope with the time change will make it easier for them to enjoy the trip.

Get Adjoining Rooms

If you have a large family, you need to find a hotel room that can accommodate all of you. If possible, get rooms with an adjoining door because kids tend to fall asleep earlier than adults, so you do not want to disturb them when preparing for bed. You might have to stay up later planning your itinerary for the following day.

Use Tour Buses

If you are traveling with a child, it might be harder to plan your days in advance because every day with a child is unpredictable: for instance, he or she might not be in the mood for what youā€™ve planned for the day. Therefore, take advantage of a hop on/hop off New York double-decker tour bus company, where youā€™ll be able to adjust your sightseeing to your childā€™s desires and make the trip more enjoyable.

When on a tour bus, you do not have to worry about where you are going next and how you will get there. You can just sit back and enjoy the sights with your little one.

Enlist the Help of Friends

When you are surrounded by speeding New York residents, you might find it hard to navigate the streets with a stroller alone. If you cannot bring someone on the trip with you, make local friends. They might be able to help you to move around with greater ease.