I received sample spices in exchange for my honest review.

With the new school year underway, it has been a whirlwind of back to school activities, long days at work, and running around from one thing to another.  Needless to say my cooking has become very basic over the past several weeks.  I was excited to try some spices from Raw Spice Bar to literally spice up my cooking routine!

Raw Spice Bar

I have tried Raw Spice Bar in the past – which delivers fresh spices right to your door.  They have since then added new subscription services as well as a spice shop!

Freshly Ground Spices & Blends, Shipped Quarterly in Small Batches.

Freshly ground spices & blends, crafted in house weekly and shipped fresh in small batches.

Spice Sets and Gift Sets

Spice Subscriptions

I love the idea of trying out new spices, and being surprised!  The great part is that they don’t leave you hanging – the spices come with plenty of recipe ideas – so don’t feel overwhelmed!  You can get a monthly delivery or quarterly, which is also nice to have options.

I recently received some spices to try, including Montreal Steak Rub and Szechuan Five Spice.  The spices come in what I call ‘usable’ amounts.  In other words, I have so many full size jars of spices that won’t get used up before expiration, so it is nice to have a portion of spice I will actually use up.  It gives you a chance to try a spice, sample new flavors, and experiment with different recipes.

Raw Spice Bar

Spice Shop

Last year I received some Indo-French Vadouvan.  Having no idea what this was, I found a recipe for Mac & Cheese Vadouvan on the Raw Spice Bar website. I absolutely loved this twist on Mac & Cheese and have been wanting to make it again, so now I have the opportunity to purchase it again, now that Raw Spice Bar has a shop.

Raw Spice Bar Mac & Cheese

You can purchase individual spices, and you can also purchase Spice Sets.  For example, the Japanese Spice Set, which contains Shichimi Togarashi, Japanese Turmeric Curry, Nori Furikake, Sansho Green Peppercorns, Black Sesame Seeds, and White Sesame Seeds.  This is a great gift idea especially for people who are hard to shop for!

Japanese Spice set

I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from the Raw Spice Bar delivery.  And while I generally find cooking to be a chore, I actually found myself inspired!  It was fun to try some new recipes, and they were all a success.  A lot of the people in our lives are really tough to find gifts for, but this would be perfect.  How many people do you know that just don’t want more ‘stuff’?  The Raw Spice Bar packets are great, because you get inspired, make the recipes, and actually use up the spices.  I loved feeling creative and enjoying delicious dishes with my family.


Visit Raw Spice Bar at http://rawspicebar.com/