I received a copy of this CD in exchange for my review.

It was refreshing to listen to Jess Penner’s first children’s album this summer, “Imagination”.  A musician and parent, her unique music appeals to both parents and children.

Imagination CD

We were not familiar with Jess Penner before listening to “Imagination”.  However, she has several music albums and has made numerous television appearances in shows and commercials.  She grew up on a banana farm on Kauai, signed her first music deal at the age of 15, and has many years of experience songwriting and producing music.

Jess Penner

This album is calming and happy.  We have listened to a lot of children’s music over the years, and often times kid’s music can be annoying or abrasive – “Imagination” is anything but that, and it is so nice to find a peaceful album.

There are some remakes on this album, like “Mr. Golden Sun”.  Penner’s rendition is really neat, sort of an etherial take on the original.  I didn’t even notice that “I’ve Got No Strings” is from the movie “Pinocchio” until I was reading the background of the album.  What a sweet and lovely piece, and I love that what Penner does with the song.

Check out the title track, “Imagination”:

Imagination is a very thoughtful album, with a positivity that I love:

“I don’t really think of writing and recording songs for kids as being all that different from my usual work, except that I want to make sure that the messages I’m sending are wholesome and hopeful.  I want kids to dream, savor life, and know that they have the power to do anything they put their minds to. The world can be a tough place; why don’t we make sure that the messages kids receive on repeat lift them up and empower them?” ~ Jess Penner

Jess Penner

Track listing:

1. I’ve Got No Strings 2:28
2. I Don’t Want To Live on the Moon 1:59
3. Imagination 2:36
4. Mr. Sun 1:57
5. You Are My Sunshine 2:35
6. Somewhere Over the Rainbow 2:25
7. Thank You for Being a Friend 2:48
8. Forever in My Heart 2:45

Visit Jess Penner at http://www.jesspenner.com/