Disclaimer: I received a copy of Wonder from Lionsgate.

“Wonder”, by R.J. Palacio has been on our reading list for a long time now, so it was a pleasant surprise when the book arrived in the mail.  What perfect timing, as school is out and we are doing lots of reading.  My daughter dug into this book right away, sharing updates along the way.  


This is a Young Adult book, but I read some too, and this is a great book to share and spread the message of kindness.  We can’t wait to see the movie this Fall (11.17.2017)!


My daughter’s review:

I wanted to read Wonder because I heard so many good things about the book and because the movie is coming out this fall.

The book is about a boy named August, but people call him Auggie.  Auggie has never been to school before and he is going into 5th grade.  He is nervous to go to school, because he was born with a facial deformity and had many surgeries on his face. Some of the people at school are mean to him but the teachers are nice.

He has a Mom and a Dad who both support him and a sister named Olivia but her friends and family call her Via. They also have a dog named Daisy, whom Via named.

Some parts were happy and some parts were sad. 🙁 > 🙂

I want to see the movie because the book was great and inspiring.  I am going into 5th grade and lots of people are mean. I hope this book inspires people to be nice to everyone even if they are different!

So, overall this book was great and I highly recommend it to other readers.

Check out the official movie trailer here.  Even the trailer is moving – we can’t wait to go see the movie!