Babies can be quite expensive! It is good to save money where you can. Diapers and wipes can add up quickly, so it is important to strategize so that you can save on these expenses.
Here are some tips to help you save!

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Coupons are always a good strategy for shopping. Check online, newspaper ads, and the manufacturer website. You can also check the guide to diaper options and Google to see if there are coupons available for the diapers you are looking for. Your brick-and-mortar store (such as a grocery store) may also have an app with coupons you can check and clip right in the app.
Store brands
I have a few brands that I felt were the best, but you can find similar diapers that are store brands, which are much cheaper. If you aren’t having much luck with store brands, you can strategize. For example, use Pampers at nighttime as your overnight diaper, and go with store brands during the daytime.
There is a big savings involved in going with store-brand diapers or Amazon Mama Bear brand, so it is worth making the change.
Rewards programs
You’re going to buy diapers and wipes anyway, so why not look into rewards programs?
Some brand names such as Huggies or Pampers have rewards programs that pay you back in a variety of rewards. Whether this is a baby item or a gift card, every little bit counts!

Diaper bank & food pantries
If you’re in a pinch and really need diapers bad, check out the National Diaper Bank Network or your local food pantry. The National Diaper Bank works to ensure every family in need gets clean dry diapers and other basic needs. Food pantries also usually collect baby and hygiene needs, so if you are struggling, reach out to see what they can offer.
Amazon Subscribe & Save
Amazon Subscribe & Save is a good way to get diapers delivered right to your doorstep, and usually for cheaper than if you drove to a store to buy them. This relieves a lot of the hassle of being a new parent and having to shop in the store, plus the more you add to your subscription, you get more of a discount. Throw in some diapers, wipes, and a few other essentials, and you can maximize your savings.
While you’re on Amazon, check out Amazon brand Mama Bear products, which are an additional savings compared to big brand names.
Diaper Subscriptions
A diaper subscription will save you money as well as the hassle of lugging diapers and wipes home from the store with a newborn baby in tow.
There are many diaper subscriptions, from Dyper to the Honest Company, which has a diaper and wipe subscription will help make sure you stay stocked up on essentials.
Cloth diapers
Cloth diapers can be a good alternative to disposables, and are also a great alternative that is more eco-friendly.
However, it does take a larger initial investment and some extra work of washing the diapers. You will likely want to purchase a cloth diaper sprayer. Also be sure that you use a cloth diaper laundry detergent specifically designed for cloth diapers, so that you can maximize the use and lifespan of your cloth diapers.
Overall, are many great reasons to consider using cloth diapers.

There are some awesome tips here. Diapers and wipes can be so expensive, it’s great to know that their are programs out there to help families.
Diapers can definitely get pretty dang expensive when you have a baby! These are some great ways to save money on diapers and wipes! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing the information about the rewards program. I didn’t know about those. Super helpful!
You have some awesome tips here! They could get pricey. I know cloth diapers are popular, but I could never figure them out. They are super cute though.
Diapers are expensive. These are tips that I used when my kids were babies.
I agree with the coupons. I would add to put diapers and wipes on your baby registry in different sizes.
Learning about ways to save money is always appreciated, especially when it comes to essentials like diapers and wipes. Using coupons, and taking advantage of rewards programs can really make a difference in managing those expenses.
Diapers can be really costly and babies seem to get through so many so fast. I found that store brands could be a lot cheaper in comparison and I shopped around between stores to find the most budget friendly ones that worked the best for us.
These are some great savings tips for moms and dads. My daughter used cloth diapers sometimes and we used a lot of reward programs that allowed her to get free diapers and wipes.
You have the best saving ideas here. I used to pamper when my boys were little and they have the best reward program that went along with it. thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing such helpful money-saving tips for diapers and wipes. Your advice will surely benefit many families looking to cut costs without compromising on quality for their little ones.
These are great ideas for saving money when you have a baby. I agree that having a baby can be very expensive. I did really well with the Amazon subscribe and save.
We have found we love the Costco brand diapers. They’re a lot cheaper than the name brand diapers which is very helpful in today economy. I’ve always wanted to try cloth diapers but don’t think I would enjoy the uptake of them.
These are wonderful ideas! Love the reward program idea. The parents of babies will find these saving tips super helpful 👌🏻🙂.
great ideas for new parents as diapers definitely can get expensive very soon…
These are great tips because diapers are getting so expensive!!
We always bought our diapers online during sale events or used vouchers to get discounts.
I think using cloth diapers is a brilliant idea. But they were not a thing when my son was a baby. I would have used them if they were already available then.
I used to coupon. Target in the states usually has gift cards back if you spend x amount, plus use the circle to earn cash back, and pair with manufacturer coupons. Also, you can stack deals at CVS too with their coupons, manufacturers coupons and extra care bucks. I used to do both of these when my son was in diapers. He is almost 13 now.
Luckily we are past these days, but these are great tips on how to save money as it can be expensive
We don’t have kids at the moment, but this is really interesting to see that there are ways to save money on these things. As I’m sure the costs all add up quickly x
My mom has always used cloth diapers. She keeps on saying they’re a very healthy option and as you said, would save a ton of money.
My sister just started using cloth diapers and the difference in finances is crazy! She never really realized how much money was being spent constantly buying diapers.
These are great tips. We always used store brand diapers. They worked just as well, and they were FAR cheaper.
Man, I hate to think about how much money we spent on diapers when my kids were babies. They just go and go and go. LOL. We eventually switched to generic diapers, and it wasn’t the disaster that Huggies and the other big names want you to believe it will be on their commercials. LOL
I was always looking for deals of nappies when mine were little. I think if I had my time again, I would definitely give the reusable cloth nappies a try. I think they are so much better for the environment and your pocket.
Diapers are always really expensive, even if you find some freebies and kids grow so quickly. Thank you for your suggestions.