As we start preparing for the school year, we like to donate to those in need.  Scotties has a great back-to-school campaign that makes it easy for your kids to help other kids!  Scotties has partnered with the Kids in Need Foundation in a #ReadySetSchool campaign to help get kids the supplies they need.  All it takes is a simple video!

Scotties Tissues

For every video created and shared on social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) using the hashtag #ReadySetSchool, a backpack filled with school supplies will be donated to a kid in need (up to 1,400 backpacks total) by Scotties!

“If you could put one thing in a backpack and then give it to a kid who needed help getting through the school day, what would that one thing be and why?”

For every video you post on social media, Scotties will donate a backpack. Remember to use the hashtag #ReadySetSchool

What I love how simple and fun this is to do.  This can be such a busy time of year, but it really only takes a few minutes to take a video and post to social media.