There are a lot of people out there that think it’s enough to just brush your teeth once before bed for them to stay white and shiny. They may be well intentioned but they’ve got it all wrong. Taking care of your teeth requires a lot more effort than that, but in the end it’s all worth it when you get to flash your pearly whites and proudly display a big smile. Those that haven’t gotten around to developing a good dental care routine shouldn’t fret as it’s never too late to start. Here is what needs to be done to ensure a healthy set of chompers.

Get a brand of toothpaste that you will enjoy using
There are tons of different types of toothpaste available from different manufacturers, with different flavors and even different purposes such as sensitive or whitening, gum strengthening or plaque control, you have a lot of options to choose form. If you buy a type of toothpaste that you don’t like, you’re less likely to brush for the full two minutes that dentists recommend, but if you find one that you enjoy using brushing twice a day becomes a lot less of a chore. Look for flavors that suit you such as mint, licorice, or more unusual ones such as chocolate, whisky and bacon!
Get a toothbrush model that you’ll also enjoy
Similar to toothpaste, your toothbrush plays an important role in the frequency with which you brush your teeth. If you have a bland, boring toothbrush that you hate, you probably won’t be that happy about putting it into your mouth. Explore the toothbrush market and find one that you like. There are electric toothbrushes, models with complex brush patterns, rubbery components on the back which can be used to clean your tongue, ones with grip, different types of handles, and many more. Surely out of all the available options, one would interest you enough to encourage you to brush your teeth more often.
Make brushing your teeth a precise fixture in your schedule
Brushing your teeth at random times during the day will be hard since you might forget at times. Also, you might not find the mood to brush your teeth and just say you’ll do it later, but since there’s always a “later” you never brush them. By setting a time at which you always brush your teeth, it’s a lot easier to apply yourself and stick to your routine. It puts you in a different state of mind where you are respecting the decision of the past you, knowing that when that specific time of the day comes around it’s time to brush your teeth.
Find a likeable dentist whose company you would enjoy
Going to the dentist is a requirement for a winning smile. When problems occur we need to go to the dentist to fix them and, even when there isn’t a dental emergency, it’s advisable to have regular oral check-ups and cleaning. But going to the dentist is something most people hate. That’s not just because dental work can hurt a lot, but also because most people don’t like their dentists. If you find a dentist whose company you enjoy and has a pleasing personality you will find that you will be less resistant to visit them regularly.
Modern dentists know that the industry had a bad reputation and so many have gone out of their way to help patients feel relaxed by showing movies, offering lip balm, heat packs for your neck, bright and happy décor for children and more. These are the not the dentists we used to know – they’re a new breed that want to encourage patients to take good care of their teeth instead of the old method of scaring us into being good. Try a few out, you might be surprised at how much the industry has improved in the customer relations department.
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