It is usually suggested that you should get your wedding dress 9 months before your wedding date. To some, this seems ridiculously early and many leave it until much later. However, when you take into account all aspects associated with getting a wedding dress, such as paying in installments, alterations, and any mind changes you may have before your big day, 9 months seems completely reasonable.

Tips to Make Bridal Dress Shopping Fun and Fabulous

Often, wedding dress shopping has the stereotype of being rushed and stressful, but this certainly doesnā€™t have to be the case. If youā€™re looking to start dress shopping but are unsure of where to begin, keep reading to discover some simple tips on how to make the experience fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Do research

If you walk into a wedding dress shop without doing any prior research into the style of wedding dress you want, you could find the whole experience scary and overwhelming. Generally, these shops will have a huge array of styles and types of dress to choose from and, if you have no idea what you want, you could face hours of stress and indecisiveness ahead of you.

Try searching online for some inspiration before you start your shopping, simply to get an idea of whatā€™s out there and the styles that appeal to you the most.

Stick to your budget

With the average wedding costing a huge $26,000, itā€™s essential to budget for every single aspect ā€“ including your dress. Establish a budget before you start looking, and make sure you stick to it under all circumstances.

Budgets are there for a reason, especially when considering how many other items will need to be paid for, so use your budget as a guide for which shops to enter and which to avoid. That way, youā€™ll always be shopping within your means and wonā€™t be tempted to stray.

Donā€™t take too many people with you

Whilst all your friends and family members would love to be a part of your wedding dress shopping experience, itā€™s essential you place a limit on who you take with you. If you end up taking to too many people, opinions will be rife and you may find yourself feeling pressured by the thoughts of others. This dress is yours, and only you should make the final decision.

Taking a couple of close friends and maybe your mother and mother-in-law will be more than enough to provide constructive advice without being too overwhelming.

Millions of young girls worldwide dream of the day they go shopping for their wedding dress and it would be a shame if, when the time comes, itā€™s full of stress and hassle. It should be a fun and exciting experience so, as long as you follow the above tips and stay organized throughout, youā€™ll avoid any unnecessary problems and end up with the dress of your dreams!


Alicia Douglas is studying fashion design and she has a penchant for bridal fashions and trends. Her articles mainly focus on bridal dress trends.