This product was provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

The holidays always seem to sneak up on me!  Seems like we are settling into a routine when Thanksgiving arrives, and then it is crunch time.  As much as I try to prepare, I do my best to power through the stresses of all the holiday preparations.  It can be so easy to get caught up in things like gifts and social events, but there is so much more to the holidays.

While we plan our holidays, we try to think about the bigger picture.  So how do we contribute to the holiday spirit?  These are some of my goals during the holiday season.

Think about what you buy.

When I think about the things I buy for our family, I try to be eco-friendly and find products that are safe and healthy.  But it goes a step beyond that – choosing products from companies that care about the earth, their employees, and the world around us.  I like to see companies that put thought not just into creating a product that people like, but is considerate in other ways.  Maybe it is recycled packaging, or sustainable harvesting.  And companies that give back.

Take, for example, Hello Products.  Their products are free of artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives and microbeads – plus they also have recycled boxes, and have provided in over $350k in products to charity.  Their products are never tested on animals.  This is the kind of company I love to support!

Hello Products Toothpaste

I also like to support products made in the USA, smaller companies, and local businesses (shop local!).

Think about, and thank those around you.

I have a small family, and I am very aware of the people that are my support system.  A small gesture like picking up something from the store or driving my child to a sports practice really does mean a lot to me.  A few years ago my daughter was in the hospital and I was actually overwhelmed with how generous people were in helping me in so many ways.  People have done so many great things for myself and my family, and I like to show my gratitude, even if it is a holiday card with a message in it.

Give back.

There are so many ways to give back.  Not only is it important for me, but it is important for me to pass those values to my children.  The holidays can be an easy time to give back, as there are often events like food or toy drives.  My workplace recently had a drive for our local food pantry.  The food pantry was running low, so we spread the word and the kids did some collecting.  One of the things we made sure to include was hygiene items (like Hello Toothpaste!), as this is always on their wishlist.  We like to try to donate stuff that we use and love, so the kids had a fun time picking out Hello Toothpaste because they absolutely love these.

Hello Toothpaste Donations


Kindness goes a long way.  So no matter what the circumstance, I put on the holiday cheer.  I meet a lot of people through work, and I always wish people a wonderful holiday!  While some people may seem unfriendly or unhappy, I always have a big smile and wish them a great day.  I love seeing that I have brightened someone’s day!

The holidays are such a great time to think about others.  I love spreading the holiday spirit!
