I received this product in exchange for my honest review.
My kids love to wear headphones. It is usually a treat, like when we are on a road trip, so that they can do their own independent activities without bothering one another, from listening to music to watching a movie or even trying to sleep.

But when the kids use headphones, I worry – especially with my youngest. There were a few times when she first put on headphones and I could hear what she was listening to, and we had to shout to get her to turn down the volume. I try to limit how much the kids use their headphones and make sure they keep the volume down, but that can be hard.
You might be surprised how common Noise Induced Hearing Loss is (NIHL). According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, one in five teens tested in 2015 suffered from some form of hearing loss. In 2014, that number was one in six.
Think about how much technology has become abundant in our world, and NIHL is increasing along with it. PuroSound Labs was created as a result, with headphones just for kids (limiting volume at 85dB).

Puro headphones work to keep your hearing safe in a variety of ways, so that you can have peace of mind about your family’s hearing.
- Block out 82% of the background noise Our design is fully passive and yet is able to knock out background (ambient) noise on a level that is comparable to some of best active noise cancelling headphones on the market)
- Limit volume to 85 dB This is the maximum safe listening level as recommended by many organizations (Hearing Health Foundation, OSHA, World Health Organization, American Speech Pathology Association, etc.).
- Studio Grade Audio quality with our patent-pending Puro Balanced Response® curve. Genuine studio grade audio, engineered to deliver an amazing listening experience with clear, crisp vocals and full, dynamic bass all within 85 dB volume limit.
These headphones come nicely packaged and would make a really nice gift. I was impressed when we received ours, not expecting much else than a pair of headphones – but the headphones, case, and box were all very high quality.

We love the storage case for the headphones, which keep the headphones folded safely away, as well as the accessories and instructions. I can’t tell you how many times we have lost track of cables and wires. This is a great way to keep everything together and to protect the headphones either at home or in the car. As much as I stress to the kids about being responsible for things, they can still be careless. The case is perfect, especially for the car.

My kids really like these headphones, and I think that a lot of the reason is because of the good quality. They aren’t bothered by outside noises, like the television, music in the car (or each other, for that matter!). And because the Puro headphones do such a good job blocking outside noise, there isn’t that inclination to crank up the volume. The cushions on the ears are very comfortable and the headband is adjustable, so they put these on and are quickly absorbed in their music or other activity.

You can use these headphones with a cable, but it has wireless capability too. The Puro headphones have an 18 hour playback runtime and can easily be charged with the USB charging cable.
I am very impressed with our Puro headphones, which have all the features I would like in headphones (from comfort to Bluetooth), plus the added security of hearing safety.
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