This is a very easy project to do with kids.  I still remember as a kid, there were those machines in the front of the grocery store where you could buy slime for a quarter!  You can make your own at home with three simple ingredients.

Make Your Own Slime

If you have trouble finding liquid starch, try craft stores, such as Michael’s, JoAnn’s, or Hobby Lobby.

Make Your Own Slime

You will need:

~ 1/4 cup glue (such as Elmer’s glue)

~ 1/4 cup water

~ 1/4 cup liquid starch

~ A mixing bowl and something to mix with

~ Food coloring (optional)

First, mix together the glue and the water.

Make Your Own Slime

Then add your liquid starch.

Make Your Own Slime

Mix until blended, adding in the food coloring while you mix.

Make Your Own Slime

I added about 4 drops to get a light purple color.

Make Your Own Slime

I added 6 drops of blue to get a darker blue color.

Make Your Own Slime

This slime will not stick to hands or hard things, and we had no issues with it staining hard surfaces, but keep it away from fabrics (clothes, rugs, etc).

Make Your Own Slime

While this does not contain borax, I always supervise my kids when they used slime when they were younger, and I still always have them wash their hands after using slime –  no matter what the ingredients.