While I love a bacon, egg & cheese muffin, I don’t love the oily cheese, the often obviously-been-sitting-there-a-while taste/temperature, plus the ingredients are almost always crooked on the muffin, which drives me crazy! Fast food has gotten shockingly expensive too, and the more mouths you have to feed, the more expensive it is!


So, I’ve been making my own! You can control the the and quality of ingredients, and you can even make your own muffins!

I’m still looking for just the right English Muffin recipe…if anyone has one, I’m all ears! You don’t taste the muffin much once you have the bacon egg & cheese on though, so I suppose it doesn’t matter too much!

Anyway, the key to these is the egg (in my opinion.) Sure, you can just make omelettes or scramble eggs and slap ’em on, but this is better!

If you have an egg mold, great. I don’t, so I use empty/cleaned pineapple cans, which make the perfect, muffin sized egg. I have a can opener that removes the entire can top (rather than cutting it) so there are no sharp edges.

Spray the inside of your molds with a little cooking spray or (my preference) rub with olive oil. Grease your pan too if you normally need to when you make eggs! Crack an egg inside the “mold.” I like to press and hold the mold in place for a second to let the egg set, so it doesn’t run out. Then, either with a fork, or the corner of the spatula, break the yolk and scramble it around a little bit. Let the egg cook.

Carefully remove the mold (I use the corner of the spatula to make sure it’s pried loose) and turn the egg, then cook until done (how’s that for directions?)

I like mine nice and crispy, so I toast my muffins first. Then, put a slice of cheese (any you like!), bacon or Canadian bacon (again, anything you like!) and an egg on a muffin. I can fit 3 eggs in my pan at a time, so I put the completed ones in the oven (set to warm, then turned off) while I make the rest. This keeps them warm & crispy and also gets the cheese nice and melty. I leave the top of the muffin off until I’m ready to serve the sandwiches, so the muffin doesn’t get soggy.

The cost per sandwich will vary depending on ingredients used and price paid (it can be next to nothing if you are a couponer!), but it is far less than a fast food joint, and you can use higher quality ingredients. These also freeze well; I recommend leaving the cheese off and adding that after thawing and warming the sandwiches!

Do you like bacon, egg & cheese muffins (or biscuits?)


Maria Bio Pic

Maria wants to live in a world where cloth diapers are the norm and moms can make parenting choices without judgement. When sheā€™s not chasing her 11, 7 and 4 year old kids around, you might find her checking out the latest gadgets, organizing something (again) or exercising in the fresh air.