Having a malfunctioning air conditioner can be dreadful, especially while working indoors in the heat of summer.  

Numerous factors are responsible for air conditioner breakdowns. Depending on the underlying cause, your AC may function slower than usual or shut down altogether. Your best bet is to enlist professional assistance immediately.  

But before contacting an air conditioner expert, it’s important to have an overview of what ails your AC system. We’ve taken the liberty of listing the top air conditioner issues commonly addressed by Ocala HVAC repair technicians. 

1. Clogged Outdoor Unit 

An air conditioner’s outdoor unit is one of its most overlooked components. Never mind that it’s the very part directly exposed to the elements.  

Environmental factors like dirt, debris, precipitation, and sunlight may cause blockages on the outdoor unit, reducing its performance.  

Most HVAC Ocala experts will commence their AC maintenance procedures by checking the outdoor unit. The technicians will unclog the pile of debris or other blockages restricting the airflow, possibly restoring your AC to full functionality.  

2. Congested Filter 

Not all air conditioners have air filters. But for those that do, dirty filters can reduce the appliance’s performance by restricting the amount of air blowing over its evaporator.  

When not enough air blows over the evaporator, the warm air that your air conditioner draws from the ambient environment doesn’t cool well enough. Depending on how long the problem goes unaddressed, congested filters may eventually cause your AC to shut down. It’s a self-preservation measure to prevent overheating and motor damage. Cleaning your AC’s filter regularly is the surest way to maintain unrestricted airflow.  

If the appliance doesn’t cool down efficiently despite having no apparent congestion on its air filters, contact a repair technician immediately.  

3. Compressor Problems 

An air conditioner’s compressor optimizes the refrigerant’s pressure. The compressor supports an AC’s ability to draw heat from your indoor space and diffuse it to the outside air, making it crucial to the appliance’s overall performance.  

Like most parts of an air conditioner, the compressor may accumulate dirt and debris over time. Blockages can impede the compressor’s performance, reducing your air conditioner’s cooling efficiency.  

Wipe your air conditioner’s compressor regularly to prevent dirt build-up. It’s particularly important to clean the area ahead of winter, as this prevents it from getting clogged by ice. 

4. Faulty Thermostat 

Nearly all modern air conditioners require thermostats. These smart devices enhance your AC’s efficiency by regulating its response to ambient temperature changes based on predetermined settings.  

As thermostats play such a critical role in air conditioners, a fault in the device can reduce your AC’s overall efficiency.  

Common thermostat issues include loose wiring, battery problems, and dirty and improper thermostat leveling. 

5. Wrong Thermostat Settings 

Besides mechanical and systemic issues, improper settings may also lead to faulty thermostats and, consequently, a malfunctioning air conditioner.  

An “On” setting on your thermostat’s fan will cause your air conditioner to blow air continuously, regardless if it’s in the cooling or heating cycle. This will reduce the appliance’s cooling efficiency by ensuring that the air coming out of your vents retains considerable warmth. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling properly and you realize its fan settings are set to “On,” adjust the settings to “Auto.”  

Other important settings include “Heat” or “Cool.” Note that your AC will only turn on if the thermostat is in the “Cool” mode. 

6. Ice Accumulation 

Of all the blockages that can build up in your air conditioner, ice is perhaps the most concerning. Your AC may accumulate ice due to dirty filters or dirty coils.  

Despite the cause, ice build-up can reduce airflow and slow down the performance of your aircon’s refrigerant. This could cause your AC to blow warm air while on.  

As mentioned, routine cleaning is the most effective solution.  

7. Refrigerant Problems 

Refrigerant refers to the substance that flows through an air conditioner’s coils, which plays the biggest role in an AC’s heat exchange processes. It blows warm air in your room to the external condenser unit.  

Refrigerants are prone to leakages, particularly in air conditioners, which go for much longer between cleaning. A leaking refrigerant will immediately reduce your AC’s cooling efficiency.  

Note that refrigerant leaks may be considerably slow, making them indiscernible by the untrained eye. Enlist technical assistance to have the problem detected and fixed before it impairs your AC’s performance.  

8. Intermittent Power Supply 

Power disruptions account for thousands of dollars in appliance breakdowns for Ocala property owners annually. These fluctuations may affect your air conditioner, leading to hefty repair or replacement costs.  

If your neighborhood has experienced frequent power interruptions recently and your AC is suddenly malfunctioning, it could be due to electrical issues in the appliance.  

Get the unit professionally inspected immediately.    

9. Space Too Big 

Sometimes, your air conditioner doesn’t seem to cool your room correctly because the appliance is too small for the targeted room.  

The best solution here would be to replace your AC with one adequately sized for the intended installation space.   


Understanding what ails your air conditioner system is critical before contacting an HVAC expert in Ocala. It lets you estimate the scope of damage, expected turnaround, and repair costs.  

Remember, proactive maintenance is the most effective way to extend an AC’s performance and durability. Rather than wait for your air conditioners to develop significant malfunctions before enlisting professional help, you can nip problems in the bud by scheduling AC inspections regularly.