Did you know that 1/5 of the total population of the planet is on YouTube? Not everybody is a content creator on YouTube, mind you, but the platform itself has more than 1.5 billion users. This number is only going to grow, which means that if you are already in the content creation game, YouTube is somewhere you should be looking.
Because YouTube is so huge these days, even the most popular YouTubers are becoming real life grown up celebrities. In fact, a number of them have achieved mainstream popularity and have moved beyond YouTube and into the world of Hollywood. If you are looking to get yourself noticed on YouTube, then you’re in the right place because we are going to walk you through the tips that you need to make sure that you can get noticed and become more popular as you create your content online.

- Start by doing your homework. What is your YouTube channel going to be about? Once you understand what niche you want to move into, your job is not done because you need to then learn everything that you can about that subject. If you’re planning to stream your gaming on Twitch, are you sticking to one type of gaming such as Call of Duty or The Sims? Or are you going to branch out and let people watch you play any type of game? Are you looking to be the type of content creator who writes reviews? Once you’ve picked the right topic, you then need to do what you can to expand. Doing your homework here is so important because you want to be able to make consistently interesting videos that people want to tune into. You also want to provide users with the information that they’re not going to get elsewhere and update your content constantly. If you choose a subject that you’re passionate about, it’s a good first step.
- Think about your branding. From choosing the right YouTube title to making sure that you have your artwork and your colours nailed down, you need to think about how you create a brand out of your YouTube channel. This is going to improve your chances of success. Every successful YouTube out there has a channel image that makes their fanbase remember it. If you think about your favorite Youtubers right now, what do their brands look like? What colours are they using? What pictures are they using? The channel name has to be witty and it has to be easy to remember. You need it so that your fan base will know exactly what they’re looking at when they log in. Creating an amazing channel intro can only be a bonus to go with it.
- Invest in the right equipment. You can’t expect people to fall in love with your videos if the quality of your video is poor. You need proper equipment here, and this might take a little bit of investment. When it comes to shooting amazing videos for YouTube, the most important part of the equipment is your camera. Sure, you can be that person that goes all out with your iPhone camera, but you can also buy a proper camera to use for your videos. You also need to have a proper mic so that the viewership will be able to hear you loud and clear even if you’re in a crowd. While we’re discussing equipment, don’t forget you might need to invest in decent video editing software too along the way. If you want your video editing software to look good, you need to have the right lighting. Ring lighting is powerful and it’s popular for a good reason, so start shopping around to see what you need.
- Don’t forget your software. Even with the right camera in your hands and the right lighting, you are going to need to have the right editing software to ensure that your videos go out looking great. There are so many different free and premium editing tools that you can use for video and investing in this software is going to pay off in the long run. Having the right video editing system can ensure that you’re going to get noticed on YouTube, and it’s with all of this equipment, all of this consideration for your brand that you’re going to be able to promote your YouTube channel properly.
- Start researching social media. If you currently have pages and profiles across other social media platforms than YouTube like Facebook, Twitter or Tiktok, you can start promoting your channel there. Cross advertising from Tiktok to Instagram is also going to help you to grow your audience. You can pay for an advert through those social platforms, but there’s also a free way that you can let your users know about your channel. Taking advantage of tags will really help make sure that you are using the correct opportunities, so that on each of the aforementioned websites you have an opportunity to present your videos to those who have probably never heard of you before. The best way to do this is to see what your competitors are using. You want to make sure that you are in the same tag pool so you can be competitive.
- Grow your YouTube community audience. If you’re on YouTube and you want to start getting noticed yourself, then there’s every chance you already have a load of brands and people that you follow here. If you have YouTube channels that you like, then introduce yourself to them. You don’t have to spam their comment sections with your own vlog, but you can talk about their videos and discuss their topics. Not only will this show you’re taking some initiative and taking some notice, but others in the comments will start clicking on your username and seeing what kind of content you are offering, too. Realise that you possess the knowledge on the subject that they’re looking for and they’ll be inspired to learn more about you, which leads them to your channel. It’s a nice way to engage with others that are in the same niche, while also showing the audience that you know what you’re talking about.
- Lean into collaborations. If you collaborate with another vlogger, you’ll be able to grow your audience. In fact, this is an idea that is backed by YouTube itself because collaborations are a big deal on YouTube. You and your collaboration partner will share your audiences, and you’ll promote their channel as much as they promote yours. If you’re already speaking to a potential collaborator with a decent audience size, you’re going to find it much easier to start growing.
- Directly to your viewers across all of your social media platforms. It would be great if you established a better bond with your viewers and start asking them to share your channel. Tell them that you need new subscribers, post about it, comment about it, and ask them to share. You could even run competitions or giveaways based on shares and how many likes you receive. Another good option is to add a good intro or an outro to each of your videos reminding people to like, share, and subscribe. The more people do that, the more that Google will favor you and push you up the search engine results pages. In YouTube itself, being able to appear on the side videos so that people can see you or being able to appear on the front page of YouTube is a big deal, but you need to get noticed for that to happen.
- Be as consistent as you can. Putting together a posting schedule for your videos is important. If subscribers are used to watching your new videos at a specific time of the day, then don’t disappoint them. Always have spare videos that you can upload and record ahead of time so that if there are days you’re not feeling well or you’re not feeling like recording, at least you have a backup bank so that you can use these videos ahead. It is important that you focus on general topics in these videos rather than specific ones so that people know that these are new and fresh content videos and not ones that you might have recorded last week.
- Always be open with your followers. If you’re going to open up your YouTube channel to encourage people to subscribe and to click on you, then you need to make sure that you get your followers staying faithful to your channel. This means telling them about your plans for the future and giving them hints about what you’re going to discuss in your videos. Keeping them updated on the plans that are not strictly related to your channels is also important. If you share great news about a marriage or a graduation, then follow through with that and give them updates. Don’t be the type of content creator who then decides to keep things private and demand privacy after you’ve put everything out there in the world.
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