Blood is the proof of life for humans and animals. When there is a significant amount outside a living body, it shows there’s been a death or an accident. Proper blood cleanup after a crime has been committed is essential to ensure the room and atmosphere are safe for people. So, if a friend or loved one is a victim and you’re wondering whether you should do the cleaning job, the answer is no.


After law enforcement is done with the scene and every personnel has cleared out, it’s time to call in the big guns to thoroughly clean the property. That means getting a blood cleanup service for a thorough death cleanup assistance to protect the health of others. It’s important that a professional team does the job and we’ll explain why this is so with a few points.

  1. OSHA Regulations

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has laws that guide the health and safety of working people. It sets standards in place and provides training, assistance, education and outreach for workers to ensure they work in proper and healthy environments. That includes health in the terms of interacting with harmful microorganisms and substances in the workplace.

Many men and women work long hours and have to come in contact with various items and surfaces. It also means the workers must use facilities and amenities within the workspace during office hours. Their employers are mandated under the OSHA laws to ensure there is no risk to the health of the workers.

So if there is an incident where there is a significant amount of blood in the office, OSHA requires employers to properly clean the property and sanitize it for the health and safety of their employees. While organizations may have the right cleaning supplies and equipment, they must still hire professionals to use them.

In other words, it’s not just anyone who can clean bodily fluids, especially if it’s a crime scene. The professionals must be trained in bio-cleaning methods because blood is biohazardous; it carries pathogens that can cause untold harm if not controlled.

When a crime scene is properly cleaned to remove blood and other bodily fluids, employers are not vulnerable to lawsuits and other legal actions pertaining to the issue since they have followed the law. Click here for details of employer responsibilities according to OSHA.

  1. Proper Removal of Bio-hazardous Materials

Another reason blood cleanup by professionals is important is that it thoroughly removes pathogens from surfaces and the air. A crime scene is usually rife with microorganisms, especially when there is a lot of blood involved. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in a commercial building, an office space or a residential property; the effects are the same.

Blood releases blood-borne pathogens, which are extremely harmful to people if not correctly handled. There is a high chance the victim is infected with various diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis B. These are deadly diseases and highly infectious, so the entire crime scene should only be handled by professionals.

Using household cleaning supplies and equipment is not enough; they don’t clean and sanitize as deeply and thoroughly as the agents used in crime scenes. Since most people don’t have access to these high-grade cleaning agents, it’s best to let a blood cleanup service do the job. They know how to clean surfaces and reach into cracks and crevices to remove microorganisms.

Besides, there is a method that works for cleaning a large amount of blood to ensure you don’t spread the disease-bearing pathogens or worsen the stains. In addition, you may not know how to do a thorough job because of a lack of training. Since it’s a sensitive situation, posing a threat to life, it’s best that the right people clean the place and make it habitable again.

3. Thorough Stain Removal

As mentioned, there is a method for cleaning blood; the usual swipe and wipe doesn’t work. In a crime scene where there is a lot of blood, a professional team will know what to do to ensure the blood is contained in one place and there are no stains after removal. Blood has a high-stain capacity and is difficult to remove.

A cleaning team will need thick towels or cloths to absorb the blood without wiping it. They will throw the towels over the blood one after the other until all the fluid is absorbed before they begin cleaning. They stay at the center of the stained area and clean from the outside; that way, they don’t spread the fluid to other areas and risk contamination or stains.

For a better understanding of how to decontaminate an area such as this, check out this resource;

Using a brush and the right cleaning agent, they scrub their way from the perimeter into the center where they are. They do this several times until there is no stain left. Afterward, they use a clean towel or cloth, one they have not used before, to disinfect the area by soaking it in a disinfectant and cleaning the area thoroughly.

Of course, they dump every used towel, cloth, and other items that are disposable into biohazard waste bags for proper disposal. This detailed method ensures there are no stains left after the cleaning process and only a trained and skilled team can promise this result.


Blood cleanup after a crime is a delicate and sensitive job that only the right personnel should undertake. The good news is that there are many such services and finding the right one is not a challenge.

Using professional services in this regard is crucial to ensure all surfaces are clean, preventing the transfer of blood-borne pathogens and increasing the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Besides, there are government regulations that must be adhered to in order to avoid clashing with the law.