Motorcycle accidents can cause serious injuries, and it’s easy to feel confused or panicked in the aftermath. Getting into a motorcycle accident can be a shocking and overwhelming experience. Did you know that in 2021 alone, motorcyclists in the United States were involved in around 82,700 injury-causing crashes? 

Motorcycle accidents are a serious concern in Denver, Colorado, where busy streets and unpredictable weather can make riding especially risky. In Colorado, there are nearly 110,000 motor vehicle crashes each year, with about 2,000 involving motorcycles. Nationwide, motorcycle crashes are particularly hazardous, with 6,218 motorcyclists killed in 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Due to the higher exposure and vulnerability of motorcyclists, accidents often result in severe injuries, complex legal issues, and disputes with insurance companies. 

By following these steps, you’ll be better prepared to handle the situation and take control of what happens next. Let’s explore some essential steps to take immediately after a motorcycle accident:

Get a Lawyer

Consulting with a lawyer after a motorcycle accident can be very beneficial, especially if there are injuries or disputes about who was at fault. A personal injury lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents can help protect your rights and navigate the legal process. They can also provide advice on dealing with insurance companies and help you seek fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

If you’re looking for a Denver motorcycle lawyer who cares about the community, you can find some great and reliable options to choose from. For instance, the attorneys at Rider Justice go beyond typical legal representation by actively supporting the motorcycle community through advocacy, education, and safety initiatives.

Call Emergency Services

No matter how minor the accident may seem, calling emergency services is a crucial step. Dial 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance if anyone is hurt. Even if injuries appear minor, a paramedic’s assessment is valuable because some injuries may not show immediate symptoms. Also, having a police report on file can be important for insurance claims or legal matters later on.

When talking to the dispatcher, provide clear information about your location and the number of people involved. Stay on the line until you’re told you can hang up. The quicker emergency services are called, the faster help will arrive, which can be critical in an accident situation.

Prioritize Safety for Yourself & Others

After a motorcycle accident, an important step should be for you to get to a safe place. If you’re injured, stay still and wait for emergency responders to arrive. Take a moment to check for visible injuries, stay calm, and turn off your bike’s engine to reduce any risks of fire.

Once you’re safe, check on others involved in the accident, including passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians. If someone is hurt, offer comfort and first-aid help without moving them unless there’s an immediate danger, as moving them could worsen their injuries. Keep emotions in check, avoid arguments, and focus on ensuring everyone’s safety rather than discussing fault or causes at the scene.

Document the Scene

If you’re able to move around safely, start documenting the scene of the accident. Use your phone to take photos and videos of the damage to your motorcycle, other vehicles involved, and the overall accident site. Capture important details like road conditions, traffic signs, and any visible injuries.

It’s also a good idea to make notes of what happened while the details are fresh in your mind. Write down the sequence of events as you remember them, including any actions you took just before the accident. This information will be useful when you’re discussing the accident with your insurance company or a lawyer.

Gather Information

Collecting information at the scene is another key step. Get the names, contact details, and insurance information of all drivers involved. Also, try to get contact details of any witnesses who saw the accident happen. Witnesses can provide valuable perspectives if there are any disputes about what occurred.

Make sure to write down the make, model, and license plate numbers of all vehicles involved. This information will be important when filing your insurance claim. Having a complete record of the accident scene can help you in dealing with insurance companies and if you decide to take legal action.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention after a motorcycle accident is crucial, even if you don’t notice any immediate injuries. Certain injuries, such as concussions or internal trauma, might not present symptoms right away but can worsen over time if not treated. A healthcare provider can thoroughly evaluate your condition and offer the appropriate care you need.

Be sure to complete all treatments and follow any recommendations provided by your doctor. Keep detailed records of every medical visit, treatment, and expense related to the accident. These documents will be crucial if you need to file an insurance claim or consider legal action down the line. 

Contact Your Insurance Company

After you’ve taken care of your medical needs, your next step should be to get in touch with your insurance company. Report the accident as soon as you can, and provide them with the details you’ve gathered. Be honest and straightforward when describing the accident, but stick to the facts. Avoid guessing or giving opinions about what might have caused the accident.

Your insurance company will guide you through the claims process and let you know what additional information they need. Keep all communication with your insurer documented, including emails and phone calls, as these can be helpful if there are any issues with your claim. Reporting the accident promptly can help move the claims process along more smoothly.

Keep a Detailed Record

Keeping a detailed record of everything related to your accident is essential. This includes medical reports, repair estimates, receipts for any expenses, and all communication with insurance companies or lawyers. Also, document your recovery process, including any pain, limitations, or time missed from work.

Having thorough documentation will be helpful if you need to file a claim or take legal action. It provides a clear picture of how the accident has affected your life, both physically and financially. Keeping organized records can make the process much less stressful and help you stay on top of what needs to be done.

Dealing with a motorcycle accident can be stressful, but knowing what steps to take can help you handle the situation more effectively. Each step is important in making sure that you are taking care of yourself and managing the aftermath of the accident properly. Remember, accidents can happen to anyone, but being prepared can make a big difference in how you navigate the experience.