Traveling for work can be one of the greatest joys in life and a fortunate position. What’s even better is being your own boss and traveling while working, going where you want to. However, digital nomad safety is a concern as it is all too easy to fall victim to serious crime when solo.

Don’t Use Public USB and Wi-Fi

One of the first things to be aware of when traveling as a digital nomad, or even on vacation for that matter, is public USB and Wi-Fi. Both of these can be very helpful in a pinch. But public services like these are not secure against criminals who monitor them looking to steal data by accessing devices through an SSID. But what is an SSID? Your SSID is basically the address of your network, and this can be used to access your devices alongside your IP address.

Location Tag to Increase Digital Nomad Safety

Staying safe when traveling often means staying in touch with people. This is a vital step as someone will always know if something is wrong and you are missing. In 2021 and in the US alone, over 520,000 people were reported missing. However, you may not be able to make calls in the middle of nowhere! Geo-tagging everything, such as posts and images, allows people to form a picture of your last known locations and will help if the unfortunate thing happens.

Digitally Secure Your Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are the livelihood of a digital nomad. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones contain everything you need to work and survive, including bank card information. This alone means you need to secure your devices. Digital security, such as encryption, software tracking, and regular backups of data, will save your digital life should the worst happen. A VPN will also help secure your device when using online systems so your data can’t be tracked or intercepted.

Digital Nomad Safety with Accommodation

Somewhere safe to stay is a must when traveling, and no more so than as a digital nomad. You have so much to lose when working and traveling. You need to be healthy, safe and secure when you travel for work. Of course, everywhere is different, so try to stay aware:

  • Fully research the place you wish to stay and read all the genuine reviews.
  • Check doors and windows for secure locks for securing valuables.
  • Learn to spot red flags such as dim lighting, deserted stress, and neglect.
  • Stay away from places where people invade space, are aggressive, or watch you.
  • Check for safety features such as smoke alarms and emergency exits.

You can’t always know how suitable a place is until you get there. But a little research and mindfulness go a long way. You have a device handy anyway as you use various travel, work and book apps, so do q quick check. Always trust your instinct and move on if something is off.

Physically Secure Your Mobile Devices

Digital security is essential. But most digital threats come when someone has physical possession of your devices. This is a worst-case scenario. Someone can access everything if they have your laptop, phone, or tablet. Because of this, it helps to make it hard for them to be stolen. Keep them close to your person at all times. A BANGE anti-theft laptop bag is the most secure when out and about. Hardware trackers will also help you locate a stolen device.

Digital Nomad Safety by Knowing the Place

Being a digital nomad isn’t the same as being on vacation, nor is it like staying at a resort. However, even resorts are fraught with danger. A survey of 6,000 British young people returning from Southern Europe found that 1.5% had been a victim of sexual assault. It is also likely much higher as most crimes don’t get reported. So, how do you think it would be roaming unfamiliar locations? Get to know where you should and shouldn’t go with an app such as Risky Cities.

Don’t Look Like a Tourist

One of the biggest targets for would-be criminals is people who look out of place. This usually means tourists, as they are easy prey. In most countries, the Police don’t follow up on tourist crimes. It’s sad but true. Looking like a tourist can make you a mark. Keep your head down, and don’t walk around with your phone out all the time. It also helps to walk with confidence and dress like the locals. Blending in really can mean the difference between nomad or victim!


Staying away from public USB and Wi-Fi is a top priority when it comes to digital nomad safety. Checking out accommodation before booking will also help reduce the chance of something bad happening. However, looking like a tourist can make you a mark for common street criminals.