Being a mum who enjoys spending as much time in the backyard as possible with the kids, I always dreamed about that perfect outdoor space where we could have family BBQs, play dates, and just evenings out. Recently, I’ve been thinking of installing backyard interlocking to give our patio a fresh modern look. But here’s the big question: should I do it myself or get a professional to help me?

After conducting some research and many debates with my husband, I compiled a list of pros and cons for both DIY and professional installation. For those like me who need to make a decision on which way to go regarding your backyard interlocking, here is what I found:

DIY Backyard Interlocking: Pros and Cons

While the prospect of going the ‘do-it-yourself’ route might sound thrilling, it is not a walk in the park. Herein are some of the things I learned about doing it yourself:

Pros of DIY

  • Cost Savings: One of the most attractive things that awaits an individual with DIY is the prospect of saving money. Without the costs of a professional crew to do the job, the money required is much lower. For a budget-conscious family, this is the biggest plus.
  • Creative Control: I love the idea of customizing our outdoor space exactly the way we want it. By doing it ourselves, we can choose every minute detail, from the pattern of the pavers to the color scheme.
  • Family Project Fun: Believe it or not, this may be a fun family project! Getting the kids involved—safe, small ways—may create some great bonding time. Plus, there is something to be said for pride when one can say, “We did this ourselves!”

Disadvantages of DIY

  • Time-consuming: Let’s face it, time is a luxury most moms don’t have. Besides school runs, work, and managing the household, a backyard interlocking project could take weeks or even months to complete on our own.
  • Skill Level Required: Whereas I do love the whole idea of DIY, one also has to be realistic. Laying interlocking pavers is not just about putting stones in the ground; proper leveling, grading, and compacting of the ground must be ensured to avoid issues in the future such as an uneven surface or accumulation of water.
  • Risk of Errors: Of course, errors can occur, especially if you’re doing something for the first time. Unfortunately, with a project like this, potential mistakes could translate into more money in the long run. Wrong installation may mean redoing the whole thing or, worse, hiring a professional to fix it.

Professional Installation: Pros and Cons

Clearly, the other way out is hiring a professional for our backyard interlocking; along with its advantages, it has disadvantages too.

Pros of Professional Installation

  • Expertise and Quality: Professionals bring experience and expertise. They will know how to prepare the site properly, choose appropriate materials, and do everything to perfection. That would give us peace of mind, knowing the project will be durable and done right the first time.
  • Time Efficiency: No doubt, it will get done a lot quicker this way because professionals will be involved than our probably fumbling hands. No juggling between chores and kids’ schedules and trying to figure out how to lay pavers!
  • Warranty and Support: Most professional services provide warranties for their work. This means that should anything go wrong within that period, they will return to fix it with no extra charge to you. This really provides comfort, especially with the kinds of weather we are usually faced with in Canada!

Disadvantages of Professional Installation

  • Increased Cost: The greatest negative impact of hiring professional services is cost. Labor is usually the most expensive element of the backyard interlocking project; thus, a hired crew might add a lot to the total cost.
  • Less Personal Touch: Even though your inputs are taken as far as the design is concerned, the hands-on feel is lost with a contractor doing it instead of a DIY project. If one enjoys putting their personal touch on everything—as I do, then this may be somewhat of a compromise.
  • Finding the Right Contractor: Hiring professionals involves doing your homework to locate a reputable contractor. This may take some time and always carries some risk in choosing the right team for the job.

Decision Time: Which Route Did I Choose?

After weighing the pros and cons, my husband and I decided to go with professional installation for our backyard interlocking. As much as I love a good DIY project, the time commitment and potential for mistakes were just too much of a risk for us. We found a reputable contractor highly recommended by neighbors, and they’ve been great in working with us to create the perfect design for our space.

Conclusion: What’s Right for You?

If you are reading this and trying to weigh up the decision between DIY and a professional installation for your backyard interlocking, base it on three things: time, budget, and a little bit of confidence in your DIY skills. If you are a handy person who enjoys working on big projects, it might be a very rewarding option to take on yourself. Of course, if you want it hassle-free with a professional finish, it might be wiser to hire one.

Whichever way you choose, remember: it will be a fantastic, functional space, full of memories with your family. And that is the most important thing of all!