Artificial grass has replaced the natural lawn due to its low-maintenance and environment friendly features. However, pet owners and parents have concerts whether it is safe for their furry fellows and toddlers or not. In this article, we are going to discuss the safety features and risks associated with artificial grass to ease the process of decision making.

Toddlers and pets do the same things so a concern about artificial turf is always there. The benefits of artificial grass are:
Clean and Attractive
The artificial grass always looks attractive and beautiful with minimal or no care for days. The vibrancy of the turf from Artificial Grass Pros is always there to offer a clean space for kids and dogs. There are micropores on the bottom layer of the turf that allows the grass to drift away dirt and other impurities.
Perfect for Playful Activities
The artificial grass is perfect for kids and pets playful activities as it is soft and smooth for toddlers and dogs alike. The carefree family moments can be enjoyed in the fresh air of your house lawn without worrying about the safety of your sensitive creatures. They can have fun, perform joyous activities, and build interactions in a safe environment.
No Pests
The major advantage of artificial turf is that it is pests free. The ticks, fleas, and other insects that can lead to harmful diseases among kids and pets are totally absent on artificial grass, hence it is safe for outdoor play.
No Chemicals and Allergens
artificial grass is pet and kid friendly due to the absence of chemicals and allergens. Unlike natural grass which requires regular fertilizers such as insecticides and herbicides, the artificial grass does not require these chemicals so it is safe for kids. It offers a natural safe environment without worrying about the safety of little humans and pets.
Risks of Artificial Grass
There are several risks associated with turf for pet parents which are:
Heat up in Sunlight
Artificial grass can absorb heat under direct sunlight and can be hotter than the actual temperature. This can lead to discomfort in hot areas, as it will have to cool down first by spraying water. Shaded areas can also cool it down, but the major risk is that kids and dogs can burn themselves if proper invigilation is not given.
Odor Buildup
The other risk of artificial grass is odour buildup, as the dogs like to pee and poop on the grass. You can wait for it to dry and remove the solid part, but the grass can still trap odour, which becomes difficult to remove. Regular watering can help in odour control. The pet parents can use homemade remedies to control odour, such as a mixture of water and vinegar. Also, try to look for antimicrobial protection turf from artificial turf Orlando to mitigate unpleasant odours.
How to Choose Pet and Kids-Friendly Artificial Turf?
As we have looked into the benefits and risks of artificial grass and come up with the fact that the pros are more obvious than the risks, by choosing a pet and kid-friendly grass, owners can minimize the chances of potential risks. There are various features in designing grass that make it pet and toddler-friendly. Some of them are:
Short Pile Height
The short pile height of artificial grass enables it to be cleaned quickly, and pet owners can easily manage the solid waste. The optimum pile height can be anywhere around 25mm.
Antimicrobial protection
Antimicrobial grass is a standout feature in artificial grass, and you should always look at whether the grass you are considering buying offers this feature. Antimicrobial grass inhibits the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and molds for a clean and fresh environment without damaging the grass.
Yarn density
The optimum and recommended weight of the turf is 70-90 ounces. It offers bouncing abilities and resists flattening to ensure maximum safety and protection of toddlers and pets.
High-Quality Material Turf
The turf material should be polyethene or polypropylene, as they are soft, durable, and add a realistic touch to the grass, making it comfortable to walk and play on.
Permeable Backing
The turf’s drainage system should be excellent to ensure a dry surface without stains or odours. The artificial turf’s permeability prevents waterlogging, allowing proper waste disposal through its pores.
The decision to install artificial turf is totally up to pet owners’ priorities. There are pros and cons associated with artificial turf, so make sure to buy artificial grass from a trusted and reliable source, keeping in mind all its features. Look for those that suit you best for durable and long-lasting artificial grass.
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