Hosting sleepovers for your child is fun, but it can also be challenging when you need to find ways to entertain everyone. At least when your kids are teenagers, they can entertain themselves. Younger kids need more supervision and something to focus their attention on, otherwise they’ll be glued to their screens and will miss out on having fun with their friends.

Next time you host a sleepover for your child, try the following ideas for entertainment and to create a memorable experience for all.
1. Get a bunk bed
Before your child has another sleepover, consider getting a bunk bed either for their bedroom or your guest room. If you get a queen bunk bed, there will be enough room for at least a few kids to share a bed, and you can get foam mattresses for everyone else if there are more guests. If there’s ever an argument about who gets to sleep on the top bunk, give each child a turn in future sleepovers to make it fair.
Bunk beds are great for sleepovers, especially when it’s just one or two friends. If your child likes the idea of sleeping in a bunk bed all the time, you can make it their regular bed and you’ll never have to worry about where their friends will sleep.
2. Get an indoor tent
Kids love camping, so why not help them have a camping adventure indoors? There are so many indoor tents that have an easy setup, and some are even themed with well-known cartoon characters. You can also build forts with sheets and couch cushions, but getting a tent designed to be used inside will create a better experience for your child and their friends.
3. Give out personalized mugs for hot cocoa
When you know who’s coming to the sleepover ahead of time, you can get personalized mugs from a site like Zazzle, and then serve everyone hot cocoa in their special mug. The kids will enjoy their hot chocolate, and they’ll have a keepsake to take home.
4. Keep comfortable pillows and blankets on hand
Most kids won’t complain if you give them bad blankets and pillows, but they won’t feel comfortable. Make sure to stash away some comfortable pillows and warm blankets for your child’s sleepovers. It’s not good enough to give them your crocheted granny square blankets – those make better couch décor than actual blankets and never keep anyone warm.
5. Give the kids some flashlights
Flashlights are a must when it comes to sleepovers. Not only do kids love telling ghost stories in the dark, but they might like pulling the covers over their heads to read a book or watch a movie. Everything is an adventure when kids are young, and flashlights make exploring in the dark more fun than turning on the light.
6. Provide good snacks
Snacks can make or break a sleepover. Don’t worry too much about pushing healthy snacks on everyone. Get some tasty snacks that the kids will actually enjoy. If you try to force them to eat carrots and celery dipped in ranch dressing, they’re probably not going to like it and most of the food will go to waste. On the other hand, if you offer tasty snacks, like marshmallows, chips, and candy, they’ll enjoy every bite.
7. Make pizza
There are plenty of meals you could make for a sleepover, but pizza is always at the top of the list. Ask each guest ahead of time what their favorite pizza toppings are so you can buy all the ingredients. To save time, you’ll want to buy pre-made crust and sauce.
Most kids love pepperoni, so double up on that topping, and don’t forget the shredded mozzarella cheese. When it’s time to prepare the pizzas, make a little assembly line with all the toppings and let everyone build their pie.
8. Talk to the other parents
It’s important to talk to the other parents to make sure you support their child’s dietary restrictions. It’s probably a good idea to not serve anything any child is allergic to because you can’t trust that they won’t accidentally (or intentionally) eat that forbidden item.
Let kids be kids
While it’s important to supervise your child and their friends, give them time alone to be kids so they can be ridiculous with each other and not feel judged by adults. Sleepovers are supposed to be fun, so find the right balance between supervision and freedom to create the best experience for everyone.
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