Are you afraid of getting an IV injection or drip due to the fear of getting hurt? Yet, many people aren’t sure whether it hurts or is just a fear. Indeed, you are here with the question in your mind: does it hurt to get an IV injection or drip? 

Some patients feel slight pain or uneasiness when they undergo the procedure of getting the invasion or extraction of IV. It’s important to remember that although it sounds painful, the actual sensation is not so hard that you can’t handle it. This is a normal part of the process to get irritated when something from outside invades your veins.

Pain or discomfort is a separate thing, and in spite of it, you would not get hurt by having an IV if an experienced and careful practitioner is dealing with you. Nonetheless, you are generally in the safe hands of professionals, you must be able to differentiate between normal and alarming situations. It is necessary to prevent any unpleasant situation occur. 

What is the Normal Sensation of an IV?

These are very common questions that a number of people ask; does it hurt to get an IV? Or does an IV hurt more in the hand or arm? When a syringe is injected, you may suffer some slight discomfort. 

  • It can be a sensation like something has stung or pinched you when the needle is going into your arm or hand, . However, this feeling is for a very short duration and lasts within a few seconds. 
  • Some people have a phobia of needles and syringes because they can’t tolerate their stinging pain. Are you one of them? Even if you are, this is not something to worry about. You can ask your nurse to apply a numbing cream. It will numb the sensation of pain during the injection of the IV needle. 
  • Have you ever experienced the administration of IV? If yes, then you must already know that the intravenous fluids enter your body through a small and thin plastic tube. After the tube has been inserted, you should not feel any sensation of injury, sting, or burn. If it happens to you, this is not normal, and you have to inform your attendant or nurse instantly. 
  • When the process of IV administration goes to its completion, and the bernola is removed from your vein, there is a maximum possibility of bleeding. This bleeding stops when you press the site with a piece of cotton. Besides this, bruising and swelling are also common in this situation, and you don’t need to worry about them. The pain, swelling, and bruising may recover within a few days or a maximum of a week.  

What is Abnormal IV Pain?

When the needle goes in, and you feel a sensation similar to an electric shock spreading down your hand, it indicates that your IV may have touched a nerve. Similarly, if the needle goes apart from the vein and penetrates a muscle or tendon, this is also a condition when you can feel pain. 

Sometimes, if the practitioner is not trained enough to insert the IV perfectly, there are chances of incorrect insertion. This may result in severe inflammation, prominent bruises, and, obviously, pain at the site of the IV.  

This could be an indication of IV infiltration, which occurs when fluids or medications enter the tissue under the skin instead of the vein. Your practitioner should always stop the infusion and remove the IV line.

Chances of Getting Hurt from an IV

Although IV is a safe procedure when performed by expert hands, some studies also show that it can be hurtful to many patients. This depends on factors like the patient’s age, the therapeutic procedure performed along with the IV, and the practitioner’s expertise level. 

If the patient is a newborn, then there is a high probability that he/she may get hurt by the IV needle by frequently moving hands and legs. So, they need special care during the whole process of administering intravenous medicines. However, the chances are vice versa in adults because they know how to keep themselves in a stable position.

As the final words, you can say that it varies from case to case whether IV hurts or not. You don’t need to be afraid of getting hurt while going through the simple process of IV if you are an adult. The irritation or discomfort that you feel during the insertion of needles is minor compared to the benefits of the IV medication you are taking. 

You can get your health issues solved within a very short duration of time by having intravenous medication. For example, if you want to lose weight, or attain fair complexion of skin, then the glutathione IV drip Dubai is the best choice for you.