Going through a motorcycle crash can be really tough. It usually brings with it a bunch of troubles like getting hurt, feeling all shook up inside and dealing with a heavy load of money worries. When you’re trying to sort out insurance stuff after the accident, it can seem like you’re lost in a big, confusing maze. That said, if you know the right moves to make and the ones to stay away from you’ve got a better shot at getting the help you deserve to cover all the costs for the damages caused by the incident. 

Here are some key things to remember after experiencing a motorcycle accident. 

Do’s after a motorcycle accident

Seek immediate medical attention

After a motorcycle crash, the very first thing you should do and it’s super important, is to get checked out by a doctor or someone in the medical field. 

You might feel okay or just a bit banged up, but some injuries can hide and not show up right away. 

Having a professional look you over makes sure you get the right care you might need. Plus, if you end up dealing with insurance later, having those doctor’s notes is like gold. They’re really important to show what happened and get the help to bolster your case for compensation.

Document the accident scene

Whenever you’re in an accident and you’re okay to move around, it’s really important to capture the scene as best as you can. If you have a camera or a smartphone, try to snap some pictures of your bike, the other vehicles, the street you’re on and any signs nearby.

Also, if either you or your buddy riding with you got hurt, it’s a good idea to get some shots of the injuries too. These photos can be a huge help when it comes to showing who was at fault and just how bad the damage really is.

Gather contact information

Make sure you get the name, phone number, and insurance details from the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Also, don’t forget to jot down the license plate number of their car. If there are any bystanders who saw what happened, it’s a good idea to get their names and phone numbers too. They might be able to tell what they saw and that could really help back up your story later on.

Notify your insurance company

Be sure to let your insurance company know about the accident as soon as you can. Give them all the details they need, along with any papers or evidence that could help. It’s super important to be truthful, but hold off on saying too much about who’s at fault or how badly you’re hurt until you’ve had a chat with a lawyer.

Consult with a motorcycle accident attorney

Talking to a seasoned motorcycle accident lawyer is a really important move. Yes, a good motorcycle accident attorney like a guide who’ll walk you through the whole messy process of making a claim. They’ll make sure you know what you’re entitled to and keep you from falling into traps that could ruin your chances. 

And when it comes to dealing with those insurance companies, they’re your secret weapon. They’ll fight for you to get a deal that’s actually fair. According to legal experts, having a lawyer in your corner can really boost your odds of winning your case and getting the money you’re owed.

Don’ts after a motorcycle accident

Do not admit fault

After an accident happens, you might feel really upset and want to say sorry or take the blame right away. But, it’s important to hold off on that. If you admit you did something wrong, it could make it much harder for you to get the money you might need to cover your costs. Just let the investigation determine the liability.

Avoid delaying medical treatment

Holding off on getting medical help can mess with both your well-being and your insurance deal. Insurance companies might look at those breaks in treatment and think your injuries aren’t that bad or maybe something else caused them. So, go see a doctor quickly and stick to their advice for getting better. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Do not accept the first settlement offer

Insurance companies usually try to wrap up claims as fast as they can and pay out the smallest amount possible. It’s totally understandable if you’re feeling the pressure to take the first deal they throw at you, especially with all those medical and repair bills piling up. 

However, before you jump on it, it’s a really good idea to talk to a lawyer who knows the ropes. They can look over the offer and tell you if it’s a good deal or if you should try to get more. It’s their job to make sure you’re not getting the short end of the stick.

Refrain from discussing the accident publicly

It’s best not to share the specifics of your accident on social media or with people other than your lawyer. Insurance firms and those on the other side might keep an eye on what you post and say and they could use it to try and make your claim seem smaller than it really is.

When the insurance adjusters ask you for a recorded statement about the accident, it’s totally okay to tell them you’d rather not do it until you’ve had a chance to talk to your lawyer. You see, those recorded talks can sometimes work against you and it’s super important to make sure what you say is both thought out and keeps you legally safe. So, just play it smart and wait to speak with your attorney first.

Additional steps to strengthen your claim

Maintain detailed records

Make sure to keep a thorough record of every single expense that pops up because of the accident. This means all the hospital bills, the cost of fixing your bike, the money you lost from not being able to work and any other expenses you might face. Having all this info handy will really help when you’re trying to show how much the accident has affected you financially.

Follow up on the investigation

Keep updated on how the investigation into your accident is going. Your lawyer will help you keep an eye on things and make sure all the right steps are being taken to put together a solid case for you.

Understand your insurance policy

Take some time to get to know your insurance policy inside and out. Check out the limits of what it covers, the amounts you have to pay out of pocket before it kicks in and any situations it doesn’t cover at all. This way, you’ll have a good idea of what to expect when you need to make a claim.

Wrapping up

Handling insurance claims after a motorcycle accident requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of your rights. Following these do’s and don’ts can help you navigate the claims process more effectively and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation. Remember, your focus should be on recovery, so let the experts handle the complexities of the insurance claim while you prioritize your health and well-being.