Being capable of mastering time management will surely help you do better in school. Currently, there are more digital distractions than ever before, and students need to be able to manage their time effectively if they are going to stay on track to succeed academically. In the following article, we are going to explain eight of the best strategies for any student looking to take control of their time.

1. Prioritize Your Tasks

Identify what needs to be done and divide your tasks by urgency and importance. Use the Eisenhower Box to sort them out into four categories: do first (urgent and important), schedule (important but not urgent), delegate (urgent but not important), and don’t do (neither urgent nor important). This will help you use your time better and focus on important tasks. If you want to outsource some of your more complex or time-consuming tasks to manage your schedule better, you may be thinking, “Who can write my essay?”. If so, consult UKWritings. This writing service can handle any task.

2. Set Specific Goals

Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Create daily, weekly, and monthly academic goals to track your progress. For instance, instead of saying: ‘I will study biology soon’, say: ‘I will study chapter four of biology from 2 PM to 4 PM today.’ 

3. Create a Dedicated Study Schedule

Be consistent. Create a study plan with times that you’ve planned to study, times to take breaks, and times for other personal activities. Stick to this plan as much as possible to develop a routine that will make your studying habits well-behaved and easier to maintain. This will also condition your mind to be in the right state for study sessions at those times.

4. Eliminate Distractions

Figure out what tends to derail your study sessions – is it social media? A noisy environment? Personal gadgets? Consider what you can do before a session to reduce your exposure and chances of being distracted by these factors. Try downloading apps that will block distracting sites, go to a quiet place, or keep your phone on silent or out of the room.

5. Use Technology Wisely

Although technology can sometimes be a distraction, it can also be a useful tool for time management. Use apps and digital planners to set up schedules and reminders. Use Google Calendar or Trello to stay on top of your deadlines and keep track of assignments and activities. Use writing services when you’re too busy – learn more about them here. Use aids to your advantage, not to your detriment. 

6. Take Regular Breaks

It might sound counterintuitive, but you can achieve better concentration and efficiency by taking scheduled pauses. This way, you can sustain a high level of performance without wearing yourself out. Here are some tips for taking regular breaks while studying effectively:

  • Use the Pomodoro Technique: Study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. There are four cycles in total, followed by a longer break of 15-30 minutes. 
  • Set Timers: Use a timer to remind you to take breaks, which will help with your concentration during study sessions. 
  • Do something completely different: Take a break and do something that has nothing to do with studying, such as stretching, walking, or even lying down for a few minutes.
  • Move Your Body: During break time, do light exercise or stretch to get blood flowing and energy levels high.
  • Avoid Screens: Avoid screens at all costs during your breaks so your eyes and your mind can relax.

7. Develop a Routine

Your routine should be coordinated with your circadian rhythms, your tendency to sleep deeply and wake up full of energy. Some people are morning larks, others night owls. Plan your study schedule around the times of day when you are most alert and productive. A daily routine reinforces habits that can lead to long-term success. 

8. Review and Adjust Regularly

At the end of each week, note what you accomplished and what you did not, then use what you learned to adjust the strategies and come up with a schedule for next week. Continue to refine your sense of how to best organize your time to suit your personal learning style and the situational requirements of your life. 

Time Well Spent

These time management strategies all require some practice, commitment, and reflection, but the rewards are high. With more control over your time, you will be on the path to academic success and less stressful schooling. With good time management, you can live more and study smarter, not harder. Take it one step at a time, stick with it, and watch your academic life change for the better.