The word ‘vacation’ invokes pleasant gooey feelings of excitement and anticipation. Studies have discovered that Americans take an average of 2.5 vacations annually. This year, 30% of those surveyed have plans to travel internationally. 

Domestic trips can be just as fun and exhilarating. In most cases, pets get left behind. They’re either trusted under the care of a friend, family member, or a certified boarding kennel. According to the Brookhaven Animal Hospital, many dogs, especially puppies, experience separation anxiety from their owners. 

As they get older, some adapt to living a couple of hours alone every day. Even then, leaving your pooch behind as you travel can be an overwhelming experience for you both. What if you wish to take them along on a vacation? 

That is possible, but you must carry along certain essentials. In this article, we will discuss what essentials pet parents must carry if they wish to take their canines on vacation.  

Emergency Supplies 

Emergencies do not knock on the door twice before barging in and wreaking havoc on a trip. As humans, we carry emergency kits, which include medicines, hearing aids, hygiene products, and communication devices, among others. 

You must carry one for your fur buddy also. The American Kennel Club states that a dog first-aid kit is equally important because emergencies can strike at any time. This is why you must have a dog first-aid kit handy during vacations.

This kit would usually include flexible rolled gauze, non-stick bandages, cotton balls, antibiotic ointment/spray, and more. In case of any injury or illness, you should at least be able to stabilize your dog before further help arrives. 

Dental Kit 

Like us humans, dogs also require regular oral care. Would you want to forget to carry dental essentials like toothbrushes or floss? Then, the same applies to your pooch. If you have never paid attention to your dog’s dental health, make not even a moment’s delay. 

Most pooches tolerate toothbrushing well and pet toothpaste may come in a variety of canine-friendly flavors. These would include chicken and peanut butter. Suppose your pooch is striving against the toothbrush and getting aggressive or defensive, consider easy-to-use toothbrush wipes. 

According to Jax & Cali, the wipes can easily fit within two of your fingers to wipe your pet’s teeth clean. Since they come pre-moistened with natural enzymes, your fur baby’s mouth will remain fresh, inflammation-free, and clean. 

When used regularly, it may be useful for dog tartar control, especially since it’s unlikely that such a stage may arrive. You can remove the plaque as and when it forms so that bacteria do not get grounds to damage your dog’s oral health. Whichever it is in your pet’s case, carry the required dental essentials along. 

Favorite Toys 

Your pooch must have some toys they love to play with. Bringing those along will help reduce anxiety because dogs can get stressed or excited easily. Larger canines like the Greyhound and Great Dane cannot be kept in cages. 

The transition period involved in the vacation can be overwhelming, so pack some favorite toys. In case you wish to purchase more for some novel fun, choose those that are safe and relaxing. The Humane Society of the United States recommends toys from different categories to keep your furry companion stimulated. 

These include toys for activity, distraction, comfort, and teething. Each can be used on your journey depending on the situation. For instance – balls can be good when you have enough ground like a play area. Chewing toys are suitable while traveling. Additionally, you can pack some blankets, bedsheets, and other supplies. 

Pet ID Tags 

This is another essential you cannot do without while traveling with your pooch. Is it because they might get lost? Yes, numerous scenarios can happen in which your pet may go missing while playing or get lost following after strangers. 

In any case, looking for them in an unfamiliar place can be a huge hassle. Having an ID tag attached to their collar can help in such scenarios. These usually contain information like the pet’s name, owner’s name, contact number, and whatever else might seem relevant. 

The ID will make it easier for others to bring your pet back to you. Besides this precautionary measure, you must have the contact details of local animal control authorities. This way, you can inform them about your missing pooch at the earliest. 

We hope this article has helped you understand that traveling with a pet can be fun, thrilling, and full of the need for caution. Regular food and water are undoubtedly basic requirements but the essentials discussed in this article are equally imperative. 

You can even carry miscellaneous supplies like a pet stroller, cage, clothing if needed, and more. So, pack your bags and off you go to enjoy with your beloved fur buddy!