Picking the right curtains for your home may be a tough job because of the broad range of styles, textiles and hanging patterns currently present in the market. Curtains add a touch of class to your space, while keeping your privacy intact. Windows drapes are available various styles, but when you talk about practicality, blackout curtains are a perfect option. They look amazing, safeguard your privacy and block out noise and light to a great extent.

Blackout curtain is made of suede or velvet, which is a thick and heavy fabric, tough to see through. To boost their ability to filter light and work as a thermal insulator, opaque textiles are used. Dual or triple layer curtains are highly effective and help block out light better.

Why should you choose blackout curtains for enhance your sleeping habits?

A lot of people are disturbed by the rays of the sun during their sleep, irrespective of how deep their slumber is. Using the best blackout drapes will help you get a good night sleep without worrying about the light outside. Dark curtains are a perfect option for you regardless of where you live.

Enhances sleep patterns

Good quality blackout drapes keep the sun and street lights out, allowing the pineal gland to secrete melatonin at its highest capacity. This is essential as the sleep cycle is impacted and regulated with our melatonin production. People with midnight shifts are more prone to sleep disorders because of their poor sleep patterns. Using blackout curtains can make your day transition simpler and enhance your sleep quality.

Better and restful sleep

Those suffering from insomnia or facing difficulty sleeping may benefit from a completely dark room to boost their dream environment and enjoy a better night sleep. The illumination of the street light or car lights may hamper your sleep. Blackout curtains block every source of light helping you sleep better, faster and longer.

Lower noise pollution

Blackout curtains help in diminishing noise pollution. It is true in heavily populated communities and areas. Using blackout drapes will help you enjoy a peaceful and pleasant sleep at night with reduced noise pollution.

Low energy expenses

Buyers choosing blackout curtains can also regulate their room temperature. If it is chilly outside, these curtains will keep your room warm and cozy and when it is cold, the same curtains will keep your space cool and fresh. It will lead to low energy expenses and lesser environment impact.

Easy installation tips for blackout curtains

  • The installation of blackout curtains is the same as any regular drape or blind.
  • Remember to measure a few inches ahead of the window frame on all sides to get a full dark room effect.
  • You can also go for wraparound rods to hang your curtains as it will help cover the entire wall.
  • Blackout curtains are not just available in black but in several hues. So, don’t just settle for a dark hue. You can choose from several fashionable colors and themes from beige to turquoise.