Nowadays, everyone is becoming environmentally conscious and seeking ways to lower their carbon footprint. One of the top areas with increasing attention toward sustainability is oral care. Unfortunately, many people now neglect the proper care of their teeth, leading to several problems that affect their smiles and overall wellness. 

Here is where preventive dental care comes into play. This is a proactive approach to ensuring excellent dental health by preventing potential concerns from escalating into major ones. A dentist in Marietta can ensure you sustainably maintain excellent oral health, don’t hesitate to visit one.

Nevertheless, this article discusses some ways you can sustainably care for your teeth, produce beautiful smiles, and maintain top oral health. Read on!

Routine Dental Check-Ups

The best way to sustainably care for your oral health is by paying regular visits to a dentist in Marietta for dental check-ups. Such an appointment enables professionals in dentistry to thoroughly assess your teeth, catch potential dental issues early, determine the best treatment solution, and offer personalized advice on the best way to keep your mouth healthy. 

Furthermore, getting your teeth checked out by a local dentist can help you get personalized solutions to your dental problems with community-specific requirements and regional factors in consideration. A visit to your dentist today brings you closer to improved oral health and overall well-being. 

Clean Between Your Teeth

Another excellent oral hygiene routine is cleaning between your teeth to remove food debris and plaque. Otherwise, such plaques can build up and harden beneath the gum line to irritate the gum. This irritation can cause gingivitis symptoms such as bleeding, swelling, and redness of the gums.

This gingivitis disease condition caused by plaque buildup only has a mild effect on the gum. Therefore, you can easily reverse the effect by consistently and efficiently brushing and flossing. 

On the other hand, if you allow plaque to stay on the gum for too long, it hardens and forms tartar or calculus. If you fail to remove calculus formed below your gum line on time, it can develop into a more severe gum disease (periodontal). At this stage, you will notice symptoms like soreness, pain, bleeding gum, loose teeth, and eventual tooth loss. 

Hence, brush and floss your teeth daily to prevent plaque accumulation. And if you have calculus already, visit your dentist for a professional oral cleaning. 

Eat Healthy Foods

A balanced diet does not only make you fresh, it strengthens your teeth and gums. Avoid eating too much food with high sugar content and eat more foods rich in vitamins and calcium to promote healthier teeth

Note that eating sugary food exposes your mouth to bacteria, which break down sugars to produce acids. These acids can damage your enamel and cause cavities in your teeth. However, you can still take care of your teeth whenever you eat sugary foods. Clean your mouth by brushing, rinsing, or using mouthwash immediately after eating sugary food to remove the residues. 

Avoid Smoking, Tobacco, and Alcohol

It’s not enough to only eat nutritious food to maintain good oral health; you must also avoid some unhealthy habits like smoking, using tobacco, and drinking alcohol. 

Tobacco smoking can stain your teeth and make them unattractive. It can also create holes in your gums and teeth, allowing bacteria growth. Furthermore, tobacco causes cancer and reduces the efficacy of oral therapies. Now is the best time to quit smoking if you practice this unhealthy habit for your dental safety and overall well-being. 

Additionally, drinking alcohol is dangerous to your teeth. Alcohol can lower saliva production and dry out your mouth. Heavy drinkers can suffer tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth sores. Also, people who abuse alcohol are susceptible to oral cancer. Reduce your alcohol intake and tobacco smoking today to promote your dental health. 

Employ Soft-Bristled, Recyclable Toothbrush

It may no longer be news to you when someone tells you to replace your toothbrush every two or three months or anytime you notice the bristle fraying. On the other hand, if you use a hard toothbrush, change it now. 

Many people prefer moderate- or firm-bristled toothbrushes because they clean better but they are abrasive and can damage your gum over time. 

A soft-bristled recyclable toothbrush can be your best bet. You don’t need to brush your teeth vigorously to get them cleaned because doing so may damage your gum. Maintain a gentle pressure, angulate your toothbrush at 45 degrees to the gum line, and brush in a short and circular motion for maximum effect. Now is the time to brush your teeth using the right technique. 

Employ Mouthwash and Sugar-Free Gum

On some occasions, brushing twice and flossing once daily may not be enough to protect your teeth. Rinsing your mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash can help kill oral bacteria and prevent plaques. Swish your mouth vigorously with mouthwash after flossing and brushing your teeth for optimal oral health. 

Moreover, chewing sugar-free gum can protect your gums and teeth after eating, especially when you can’t wash your mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Sugar-free gum offers protection with the aid of its xylitol content by reducing the acid left in your mouth after eating. Therefore, it promotes healthy teeth and prevents enamel deterioration by supplying required minerals and preventing bacteria actions. 

Pay Attention to Your Tongue

Your tongue can host and supply nutrients to bacteria if not properly cleaned. Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper (you can buy one or buy a toothbrush with a scraper) and say goodbye to bacteria. 

This habit will improve your oral health and help you maintain fresh breath always. The more you pay attention to your tongue, the more you promote your oral well-being.  

Maintaining Sustainable Excellent Oral Health

The tips above will help you maintain improved dental health and overall wellness. Nevertheless, be eco-conscious when choosing materials you need to maintain optimal oral health.

Employ natural ingredients that are safe for your health and less harmful to your surroundings. Don’t waste water while brushing and buy durable and sustainable oral products. Never discard recyclable materials. Instead, gather and send them to the manufacturers for adequate recycling.

Written by:
Wohlers Family Dentistry
3733 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA 30066