Traveling with kids can be a rewarding but challenging experience. Whether you’re embarking on a long road trip, flying across the country, or even taking a train journey, keeping your little ones entertained is key to a stress-free trip. This article provides practical tips and ideas to help parents keep their kids engaged and happy while traveling, ensuring an enjoyable experience for the whole family.

Entertaining kids while traveling

Planning Ahead

The first step to a successful journey with kids is thorough planning. Knowing what to expect and preparing for various scenarios can make all the difference.

Research and Preparation

Before you set off, research your travel route and destination. Look for family-friendly stops, rest areas with playgrounds, and points of interest that might break up the journey and keep kids entertained. If you’re flying, check the airline’s policies on children’s amenities and entertainment options.

Packing Essentials

Pack a travel bag specifically for your kids. This should include snacks, drinks, a change of clothes, and any comfort items they may need, such as a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. Having these essentials on hand can prevent meltdowns and keep everyone comfortable.

Interactive Travel Games

Interactive games are a great way to keep kids entertained during travel. They not only pass the time but also engage children’s minds and creativity.

Classic Road Trip Games

Some classic road trip games never go out of style. Games like “I Spy,” “20 Questions,” and “License Plate Bingo” can keep kids entertained for hours. These games require no special equipment and can be played spontaneously.

Digital Entertainment

In the age of technology, digital entertainment is a lifesaver for parents. Tablets and smartphones loaded with educational apps, games, and movies can keep kids engaged. Ensure you download content before the trip in case you encounter areas with no Wi-Fi or mobile signal.

For older children, introducing them to an online chess game can be both entertaining and educational. Chess enhances problem-solving skills and keeps kids mentally engaged.

Creative Activities

Encouraging creativity can be a fun and effective way to keep kids entertained while traveling.

Art Supplies

Pack a small bag with art supplies such as crayons, colored pencils, coloring books, and sketchpads. Drawing and coloring can keep kids occupied for extended periods. Consider adding a travel-sized magnetic drawing board for mess-free fun.

Travel Journals

Encourage your kids to keep a travel journal. They can draw pictures of the places they see, write about their experiences, and collect mementos like ticket stubs and postcards. This not only keeps them busy but also creates a keepsake of the trip.

DIY Crafts

Simple DIY crafts can be a great way to pass the time. Bring along some craft kits or materials to make friendship bracelets, bead necklaces, or paper airplanes. These activities can be done in a car, on a plane, or in a hotel room.

Audiobooks and Podcasts

Audiobooks and podcasts are excellent for keeping kids entertained while also providing educational content. Choose stories and topics that interest your children and let them enjoy listening while you travel.

Choosing the Right Content

Select audiobooks and podcasts appropriate for your children’s ages and interests. Popular children’s books, fairy tales, and educational podcasts about science, history, and nature can be both entertaining and informative.

Benefits of Audiobooks and Podcasts

Listening to audiobooks and podcasts can improve children’s listening skills, vocabulary, and imagination. It also gives their eyes a break from screens, which is beneficial during long journeys.

Snacks and Treats

Keeping kids fed and hydrated is crucial during travel. Packing a variety of snacks can prevent hunger-related meltdowns and keep kids happy.

Healthy Snacks

Choose healthy snacks that are easy to eat and won’t make a mess. Some good options include:

  • Fruit: Apples, bananas, and grapes are portable and nutritious.
  • Vegetables: Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and cherry tomatoes are great for snacking.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds provide protein and healthy fats.
  • Cheese: String cheese or cheese cubes are tasty and filling.
  • Crackers and Pretzels: Whole-grain crackers and pretzels are convenient and satisfying.

Special Treats

While it’s important to provide healthy snacks, a few special treats can also be a good incentive for good behavior. Pack some cookies, candy, or small bags of chips as occasional rewards.

Managing Screen Time

While digital devices can be a valuable tool for keeping kids entertained, it’s important to manage screen time to ensure a balanced mix of activities.

Setting Limits

Establish clear rules about screen time before your trip. Decide how long your kids can use their devices and what types of content are acceptable. This can help prevent arguments and ensure that screen time is used effectively.

Offline Activities

Encourage offline activities by providing a variety of entertainment options. Books, puzzles, and travel-sized board games can be great alternatives to screens. Rotating between different activities can keep kids engaged and prevent boredom.

Ensuring Safety

Safety should always be a priority when traveling with kids. Keeping them entertained and occupied can help prevent accidents and ensure a smooth journey.


Keep a close eye on your children at all times, especially in crowded or unfamiliar places. Make sure they know what to do if they get separated from you, such as finding a safe adult or a designated meeting point.


If you’re staying in a hotel or rental property, take a few minutes to childproof the space. Move any dangerous items out of reach, cover electrical outlets, and ensure that windows and doors are secure.

Health Precautions

Ensure that your children are up-to-date on any necessary vaccinations and bring along a basic first-aid kit. If you’re traveling internationally, research any additional health precautions you may need to take.

Staying Connected

Maintaining communication with friends and family back home can provide additional support and reassurance during your travels.

Keeping in Touch

Use technology to stay connected with loved ones. Apps like Skype, WhatsApp, and FaceTime make it easy to check in and share updates. An express VPN review can help you choose a reliable VPN service to ensure secure and private communication, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Sharing Experiences

Encourage your kids to share their travel experiences with friends and family. This can be done through social media, emails, or even postcards. Sharing their adventures can help kids feel more connected and excited about their trip.


Traveling with kids doesn’t have to be stressful. With careful planning, a variety of entertainment options, and a positive attitude, you can keep your children engaged and happy throughout your journey. From interactive games and creative activities to audiobooks and healthy snacks, there are countless ways to ensure a memorable and enjoyable trip for the whole family. Embrace the adventure and create lasting memories together, knowing that a well-prepared trip can lead to a fun and fulfilling experience for everyone involved.