Ashwagandha is one of the oldest and most well-known adaptogenic herbs in Ayurveda being used that has many other important health roles where we need balance to help restoration of our health. Is it any wonder, then, that people have been purchasing ashwagandha supplements left, right and center as natural health supplementation is on the rise? So, what is the best Ashwagandha extract?

So, whether you are a seasoned herbal devotee or new to the wonderful world of home remedies, this article will give you all the tools needed to not only avoid these 3 costly mistakes but also how to select the right herb for your health. So let’s go into this post and find out what factors you need to consider before buying ashwagandha extract.

  1. Overlooking the Importance of Standardization

Not knowing or paying attention to standardization is one of the most important errors which everyone makes while selecting an ashwagandha extract manufacturer. Standardization is regulated to confirm a standardized level of an active compound in each dose of the supplement. In ashwagandha, the major active constituents are known as withanolides.

Having these helpful compounds in each serving is significant, and standardization makes sure you are getting that. Lacking standardization, its extract may differ greatly in potency, making it impossible to predict how effective it will be or control your dose accurately.

When it comes to shopping for ashwagandha extract, you need to ensure that the product is standardized to a specific percentage of withanolides. Typical standardization ranges for withanolide extracts are around 2.5% to 5%, however some of the better prepared extracts contain as much as 10-14% or higher.

  1. Ignoring the Extraction Method

Finding a good ashwagandha extract comes down to how the extraction process impacts potency, purity, and effectiveness. Solvent-based methods (e.g., extraction with water, alcohol, hydro-alcoholic or C02) all have their own set of pros and cons.

Bad extraction might lead to weak products or may not provide you with one that contains the full range of beneficial compounds. It might even create toxic residues, or it can degrade important compounds during processing.

Typically hydro-alcoholic or CO2 extraction methods are used in high quality extracts resulting in a broader profile of beneficial compounds. Of these, full-spectrum extracts are among the most valuable as they supply withanolides along with other bioactive compounds that may act synergistically.

The final product quality and potency depend on the extraction method. Asking for an extract prepared with the usage of proper methods increases the chances of consuming all of the valuable assets and gifts of ashwagandha. The extraction method is a key consideration for anyone looking to choose a quality ashwagandha extract that closely mirrors the full spectrum of beneficial properties present in the herb itself.

  1. Disregarding the Source and Quality of Ashwagandha

Another major mistake that a lot of people make while buying the ashwagandha extract is they overlook the element of which herb does this supplement come from and what its quality ranking actually is. The source and manner in which ashwagandha plant is grown can largely determine the strength and safety of the end extract.

Ashwagandha grows in India, but has now been cultivated all over the world. Plant material will vary in its chemical content and strength depending on the growing conditions, soil quality, climate, farming practices.

Organic – ashwagandha grown under organic conditions is free from synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. It is not only valuable from an environmental perspective but helps to ensure no undesirable residues are left in the final product.

It is wild-harvested Ashwagandha in some products which can be contaminated easily because of an evil quality control system. While this may seem exotic, it is essential that any such harvesting has happened within safe and healthy annually sustainable levels so as not to impact the local ecosystems from which they come.

If not properly sourced and checked for quality, corydalis can become contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides or other harmful content. This is especially alarming because ashwagandha may be used on a chronic basis.

  1. Misunderstanding Dosage and Concentration

The fourth aspect that is worth highlighting here and it is also a common mistake about choosing ashwagandha extract is the dosage/power. By missing these key aspects, the end results may completely lack or alternatively do harm due to excessive consumption.

Due to the fact that it is based on various factors like extraction time, and an individual response of your body, it’s difficult to say what the right quantity of ashwagandha is.

The biggest mistake people make when they are comparing ashwagandha supplements is that they forget to consider the concentration of the herb with only total weight in mind. However, less of a highly concentrated extract may actually be more powerful than a larger quantity of a lower concentration product.

Macabrely, withanolides from ashwagandha are the most bioactive compounds in nature. The actual level of this class of compounds within an extract is one of the main determinants for its efficacy and dosing range.

  1. Neglecting to Consider Additional Ingredients and Formulations

Some things to look for when deciding if an ashwagandha extract is right for you are the other ingredients and formulation. Thus, the specific form of ashwagandha supplement you choose – capsules, powders, liquid extract, gummies, or tea – have their own tradeoffs in convenience and ease of dosing (14).

Most of these products contain extra stuff such as fillers, sweeteners or other herbs. Some of these may be helpful, yet others may obstruct the actions of ashwagandha or provoke side-effects. Blended formulas may provide distinctive advantages, but they could also blur the lines somewhat in terms of isolating ashwagandha action.


There is a lot to consider if you wish to find the best ashwagandha extract. Stay clear of familiar errors by following standardization, source quality, extraction methods, dosage and extras. You should look for the best suited to your health goals that are full of pure, high-quality and Total Ingredients. Consider an expert advisor for professional guidance. Keep in mind, every individual is different so choose a supplement that is best for your health.