Accidents affect different people in different ways. The same is true for residents of North Charleston. Some losses can be measured easily, while others can’t. The second set of losses falls into the category of non-economic losses.

Non-economic losses are intangible losses that affect your quality of life due to the injury. It’s hard to put a dollar amount on how much pain you’re in or how much your enjoyment of life has suffered.

Unlike a medical bill with a clear cost, non-economic losses are more about feelings and experiences. This is something that accident victims in North Charleston know all too well.

You’ll need the help of experienced North Charleston personal injury lawyers to make the court see the actual extent of your non-economic damages. 

In this article, we’ll explain what counts as a non-economic loss and provide real-life examples to help you understand your rights better.

Examples of Non-Economic Losses in North Charleston

South Carolina law recognizes non-economic losses, allowing you to seek compensation for the ways your injury has impacted your life beyond the financial burden. Here’s a breakdown of some common types of non-economic losses you might experience:

  • Pain and suffering: This refers to the physical and emotional pain you endure after the injury. It can include discomfort, headaches, scarring, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances.
  • Mental anguish: This refers to the emotional distress caused by the injury, such as fear, humiliation, frustration, and emotional trauma.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: If your injury prevents you from participating in activities you once enjoyed, such as playing sports, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, this loss can be compensated.
  • Loss of consortium: This applies to married couples where the injury significantly impacts the marital relationship, including intimacy and companionship.
  • Loss of reputation: If the injury affects your ability to work or perform daily tasks, it can damage your reputation and social standing.

What You Would Need to Prove Your Non-Economic Losses in North Charleston

Even though the non-economic losses you’ve suffered due to the accident are real and impactful, proving them in court can be challenging. Here’s how you can prove them.


Documents serve as evidence that can prove to the court the real extent of the damages you’ve suffered, even the non-economic ones. You should keep detailed records of your medical bills, lost wages, and any therapy sessions you attend.

Doctor’s Reports

Your doctor’s reports are crucial. They should detail the severity of your injury, the expected recovery time, and any limitations you might face due to the injury.

Witness Testimony

If friends, family, or colleagues can confirm how your injury has affected your daily life and activities, their statements can strengthen your claim.

Pain Journals

Keeping a daily journal where you document your pain levels, limitations, and emotional struggles can help paint a clear picture of your suffering.


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The Challenges You’ll Face and How a Lawyer Can Help

North Charleston has lawyers who specialize in helping people just like you. These lawyers fight to ensure that your rights are protected at all costs, even if you’ve only suffered non-economic damages. 

The law can be confusing, especially when it comes to accidents and figuring out who’s to blame. These personal injury lawyers know the ins and outs of South Carolina personal injury law and how insurance companies operate in our city.

Also, the insurance companies might downplay your emotional distress or try to argue that your pain isn’t that bad. They might offer a settlement that only covers medical bills.

With a strong case built on evidence and a clear picture of your suffering, your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company for a settlement that reflects the true impact on your life.

Most cases settle outside of court, but if that doesn’t happen, your lawyer will be there to represent you in court. They have the experience and skills to present your case in the best possible light.