Housewarming parties are a fantastic way to celebrate your friend’s new home and mark the beginning of a new chapter in their life. When attending such an event, it’s thoughtful to bring a gift that’s not only practical but also meaningful and unique. Finding the perfect present can be challenging, but opting for something personalised can make all the difference. 

This article will guide you through some unique presents that are sure to impress at your friend’s housewarming party, adding a special touch to their new abode. From time-framed prints to personalised chopping boards, these gifts will help make their house feel like a home.

  1. Ceramic Photo and Mini Easel

A ceramic photo with a mini easel is another delightful and unique gift idea that will add a personal touch to your friend’s new home. This gift combines the durability and elegance of ceramic with the creativity of customisation, resulting in a piece of art that is both beautiful and meaningful.

The process involves printing a favourite photo onto a ceramic tile, which is then displayed on a mini easel. This could be a picture of a memorable moment, a beloved pet, or a beautiful landscape that holds special meaning. The ceramic tile gives the photo a glossy, high-quality finish that stands out and adds a touch of sophistication to any room.

Ceramic photos with mini easels are perfect for placing on shelves, mantels, or desks. They’re small enough to fit in cosy spaces but impactful enough to draw attention. The mini easel adds a charming touch, making the photo look like a piece of art rather than just a standard picture frame.

If you are searching for unique customised gifts this ceramic photo with a mini easel can be an excellent choice, reflecting thoughtfulness and creativity in one elegant package.

  1. Time-Framed Print

A time-framed print is a wonderful and unique gift idea for a housewarming party. It’s a beautiful way to capture a special moment in time and create a lasting memory. Whether it’s the date they moved into their new home, their wedding day, or another significant event, a time-framed print can serve as a cherished reminder of that moment.

To make this gift even more special, consider customising it with a photo or artwork that holds particular significance. For instance, you could choose a picture of their new home, a favourite holiday destination, or a piece of art that reflects their personal taste. The print can be framed in a stylish, high-quality frame that complements their home décor, ensuring it fits seamlessly into their living space.

  1. Photo Square Desk Clock

A photo square desk clock is a functional yet personalised gift that combines practicality with a sentimental touch. This unique present allows you to turn a cherished photo into a timeless piece of décor that also serves a useful purpose.

The photo square desk clock typically features a high-quality image printed onto the clock face, surrounded by numbers and clock hands. This could be a picture of a special moment, a family portrait, or even a favourite landscape. The clock mechanism is seamlessly integrated into the design, making it both a beautiful and functional addition to any desk or tabletop.

  1. Photo Chopping Board

A photo chopping board is a unique and practical gift that will add a personalised touch to your friend’s kitchen. This thoughtful present allows you to customise a standard kitchen item with a favourite photo, turning it into a beautiful piece of functional art.

Photo chopping boards are not only practical but also versatile. They can be used as standard chopping boards for everyday cooking, as cheese boards for entertaining guests, or as serving platters for special occasions. The personalised image adds a unique touch that makes the board stand out and adds character to the kitchen.

  1. Memorial Wooden Decoration

A memorial wooden decoration is a beautiful and heartfelt gift that can add a touch of warmth and sentimentality to your friend’s new home. This type of gift is perfect for commemorating a special event or memory, turning it into a lasting piece of décor that holds significant meaning.

The memorial wooden decoration can be customised with names, dates, or short messages that are meaningful to your friend. It could commemorate a wedding, the birth of a child, or even the date they moved into their new home. The decoration is typically crafted from high-quality wood and can be designed in various shapes and styles, from rustic plaques to elegant hanging ornaments.


Finding the perfect gift for a housewarming party can be a challenge, but opting for unique and personalised presents ensures your gift stands out and adds a special touch to your friend’s new home. From time-framed prints and ceramic photos to photo square desk clocks, photo chopping boards, and memorial wooden decorations, these gifts combine practicality with sentimentality. They help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, turning a house into a home. 

By choosing a gift that reflects your friend’s personal style and the significance of their new chapter, you’re giving them a present they’ll treasure for years to come.