With how busy everyone is these days, sometimes you can get caught up and forget to take time for yourself. You can go days without spending some quality you time and ensuring you recharge your batteries ready for the day and week ahead. 

Whilst it can be easy to get caught up in work or other aspects of life, we do need to remember to make plans for yourself to ensure you’re breaking any cycle you may be caught in and letting yourself wind down or de-stress. Whether it’s going for a run or even playing a video game, it’s important to take time for yourself.

With mental health just as important to your body as physical health, it’s imperative to make sure you’re doing all you can to remain fit and healthy. In this article we’ll be taking a look into some of the best hobbies you can do in your spare time to either keep active or just as something to enjoy to take your mind off other things.


Probably one of the most common hobbies people have, going to the gym is a great hobby to have in your spare time as it’s great for both your mental and physical health. You’re able to make a gym routine and plan, complete those exercises and feel great after. As there’s virtually unlimited different routines and workouts you can do, you’ll never get bored as you’ll be constantly changing it up. 

There are plenty of gym apps that show different workouts and routines for you to try, and when you feel comfortable, you can start making your own to suit you.


Anyone can enjoy video games; you don’t always need to have a console or PC. Most of us own a smartphone and have access to a great range of gaming titles at the app store. With mobile gaming, the perks are you can enjoy anytime and anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. You have the option to choose from different games such as puzzle games and first-person shooter games to role play games.

You don’t always have to spend money on games either, a lot of game developers offer free versions of their games for players to trial. The online casino industry is well known for their offerings of bonuses and promotions for players to redeem and trial out free games. Players can play at a social casino online where you do not need to make a deposit but have the opportunity to win real-cash prizes making it a cost effective hobby.


You’ve just finished what felt like a never ending walk up hills and tough terrain, however you get to the top and see an incredible view as far as the eye can see. Whilst hiking can be challenging and gruelling on the long walk, the destination can definitely be worth it. There are plenty of hiking groups who meet up multiple times a week to go on long scenic walks exploring the countryside around you that you may not have known was even there. 


One that may need a small investment to begin, cycling can be a great way to get out and exercise. Once you’ve made the initial purchase of a bike, you can pedal away until your heart’s content. Going wherever you feel the road takes you, down lovely country lanes, or even just round the local village, the feeling of the wind in your face is enough to make anyone’s day a little better.


You can link this one into the above hobbies, but cooking healthy nutritious meals that are tasty is a great way to make the most out of the gym. They do say the gym routine is only as good as the food you eat, so taking time to cook well can make a real difference. You can also take this to the next level, by having friends and family over and cooking for parties once you’ve got your skills up. 

For some, food can be a great way to express yourself and really explore different types of food that you’d not normally consider ever trying. You’re in the comfort of your own home with nothing else to worry about other than getting the ingredients right!

Learning an instrument

Just like cycling, this one can sometimes require a small investment to begin, but learning to play an instrument can be a really relaxing and enjoying experience. For example, although it can take some time, learning to play guitar can provide a real reward once you start being able to put notes together and play actual songs.

Nearly everyone has something going on in their lives at all times, and sometimes we need something to just take our minds off it. By taking some extra time to yourself and taking up a hobby, you can make sure you’re giving yourself a chance to not only take yourself out of stressful situations, but to also improve and learn something new. 

Which hobby do you think you’ll be taking up next?